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摘 要本文首先对制动系统进行了概述,即ABS制动系统与传统制动系统在结构和工作原理上的异同及ABS制动系统所具有的优点。然后介绍了轿车防抱死制动系统在整车上的位置,分析了ABS制动系统的电路结构、控制继电器、轮速传感器及执行器,其中执行器是电液组件,结构复杂,既包含有液压元件,又有接受ECU控制的电器元件,能有效地控制各车轮制动分泵液压的增大、减小或保持,防止车轮制动时被抱死,使汽车获得最佳的制动效果。ABS执行器实际上是受控于ECU的制动压力调节装置。真空制动助力器和制动踏板总成的组成、检查、组装和调整进行了详述。最后介绍了微型汽车制动系统常见的故障,并分析故障原因及处理方法。关键词:防抱死制动系统 , ABS执行器 , 轮速传感器 , 驻车制动 , 故障检修AbstractThis paper provides an overview of the brake system, namely, ABS braking system with conventional braking system in the structure and working principle of the similarities and differences, and ABS braking system has advantages. Then introduced sedan anti-lock braking system in the vehicles location, analysis of the circuit ABS braking system structure, control relays, wheel speed sensors and actuators, where actuators are electro-hydraulic components, structure, complex, both contain hydraulic components, have received ECU control of electrical components, can effectively control each wheel hydraulic brake wheel cylinders increase, reduce or maintain, to prevent the wheels when braking Hugging, making the car get the best excellent braking effect. ABS actuator is actually controlled by the ECU of the brake pressure regulator device. Then on the disc (drum) brake system, vacuum brake booster and brake pedal assembly composition, inspection, assembly and adjustments of detail. Finally the micro-car brake system common failures, and analyze the failure causes and treatment.Key words: Anti-lock braking system, ABS actuators, wheel speed sensor, parking brake, fault repair目 录摘 要IAbstractII1 制动系统的概述11.1制动系统概念11.2 ABS制动系统的概念1 1.2.1 ABS制动系统的作用1 1.2.2 ABS制动系统的功能22 ABS系统基本组成及工作原理32.1车轮转速传感器32.2 ABS执行器32.3 ABS电子控制器42.4 ABS系统工作原理53 ABS电路系统的检测及故障诊断83.1 前、后轮轮速传感器检测83.2转速传感器检测83.3控制继电器检测93.3 前、后轮轮速传感器检测93.4 ABS系统工况的判断103.5 系统故障自诊断10 3.5.1 读取故障代码10 3.5.2 清除故障代码113.6 故障诊断实例124 ABS液压系统的检修134.1 真空制动助力器13 4.1.1 真空助力器的工作原理和检测13 4.1.2 真空助力器的维修144.2 制动踏板总成的调整154.3 制动主缸的检修15 4.3.1 制动主缸的分解与组装154.4制动蹄的维修164.5 ABS故障检修175 汽车制动系统的发展趋势196 总 结20致 谢21参考


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