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5.3.1 幅度键控(ASK) x=[1 2 3 1 2 3 0 4 3] y=pammod(x,5) y = -2 0 2 -2 0 2 -4 4 2 5.3.1 幅度键控(ASK) 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) 将数字信号调制在载波的频率上的调制方法称为频移键控(FSK),它也包括二电平频移键控(BFSK)和多电平频移键控(MFSK)。 频移键控的原理与调频类似,只是使用数字信号而已。 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) 对上例的二元序画出2FSK的波形, x=0:0.01:8; t=[ones(1,100),zeros(1,100),ones(1,100),ones(1,100),zeros(1,100),zeros(1,100),ones(1,100),zeros(1,101)] y=sin(x.*(2*pi+2*t)); plot(x,y) 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) 可以看出,载频有所改变,由于调频同时必然带来了相位的改变,所以有相位的突变。 FSK波形 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) 调制 y = fskmod(x,M,freq_sep,nsamp) outputs the complex envelope y of the modulation of the message signal x using frequency shift keying modulation. M is the alphabet size and must be an integer power of 2. The message signal must consist of integers between 0 and M-1. freq_sep is the desired separation between successive frequencies in Hz. nsamp denotes the number of samples per symbol in y and must be a positive integer greater than 1. The sampling rate of y is 1 Hz. By the Nyquist sampling theorem, freq_sep and M must satisfy (M-1)*freq_sep = 1. If x is a matrix with multiple rows and columns, the function processes the columns independently. 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) 调制 y = fskmod(x,M,freq_sep,nsamp,Fs) specifies the sampling rate of y in Hz. Because the Nyquist sampling theorem implies that the maximum frequency must be no larger than Fs/2, the inputs must satisfy (M-1)*freq_sep = Fs. 解调 z = fskdemod(y,M,freq_sep,nsamp) z = fskdemod(y,M,freq_sep,nsamp,Fs) 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) M = 4; freqsep = 8; nsamp = 8; Fs = 32; x = randint(6,1,M) % Random signal y = fskmod(x,M,freqsep,nsamp,Fs); % Modulate. t=0:1:47; plot(t,y) 5.3.2 频移键控(FSK) 5.3.3 相移键控(PSK) 1 简介 将信道发送的信息调制在载波的相位上,所以通过数字相位调制,数字信号的载波相位是 , m=0,1,……,M-1。对二进制调制,两个载波的相位分别是0, 。对于M进制的相位调制,一组M个载波调相信号的波形的一般表达式为: m=0,1,……,M-1 其中 为发射端的滤波脉冲,决定了信号的频谱特征,A是信号振幅。 5.3.3 相移键控(PSK) 2 matlab函数 调制 y = pskmod(x,M) M is the alphabet size and must be an integer
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