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可视化企业固定资产管理系统的设计与实现 专业:软件工程 姓名: 指导教师: 摘 要 良好的企业固定资产的信息化建设不紧能够改变企业的管理模式,运营方式,降低经营管理资本,同时可以协助企业优化管理,增强工作质量。企业固定资产信息管理的方法和手段不断的更新变化。 以互联网技术为基础的资产管理方式代替了传统的人工管理方式成为企业改善管理的利器。但伴随着企业的不断壮大,企业里面固定资产的内在管理索求也在不停地变更。 近年来,由于计算机软件技术取得了长足的进步,企业的竞争也越来越激烈。企业要想在当今形式下不被淘汰,务必使用科学的管理思想,将资产的管理进行一体化的操作,回避原来的手工操作的麻烦,从而使整个过程更加精确和有效。 选用现今比较受欢迎的Visual Studio 2010 ,和C#语言编写应用程序,SQL?Server?2008 作为数据库的平台的固定资产管理系统为处理该问题提供了新的思路,从而实现资产查询等功能。根据现代企业的需求,提出并完成了一种基于C#语言的企业固定资产管理系统。 关键字 固定资产,企业管理,信息系统,资产查询 Abstract Good enterprise for information construction of fixed assets is not tight can change enterprise management mode, operation mode, reduce capital management, at the same time can help enterprise to optimize the management, enhance the quality of work. Enterprise information management methods and means of fixed assets changes constantly updated. Based on Internet technology way of asset management replaces the traditional way of artificial management become the most effective tools for enterprises to improve management. But with the growing of the enterprise, enterprise internal management of fixed assets in demand is also constantly changes. In recent years, because of computer software technology has made great progress, enterprise competition is becoming more and more fierce. Enterprises want to not be eliminated in todays form, be sure to use the scientific management ideas, the asset management for the integration of the operation, to avoid the original manual operation, which makes the process more accurate and effective. 牋 Development environment with more popular nowadays, Visual Studio 2010 and c # language application, SQL Server 2008 as the database platform for fixed assets management system offers a new way to deal with the problem, so as to realize assets query, and other functions. According to the demand of the modern enterprise, and completed a fixed assets management system based on c #. Keywords: Fixed assets, Enterprise management, Information systems, A


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