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指 导 教 师 评 语 毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会评语 摘 要 极光办公自动化系统是针对南开创元信息技术有限公司开发的,专门用于企业内部员工信息交流的软件,其开发过程主要包括前端应用程序的开发和后端数据库的建立两个方面。对于前者要求应用程序功能完备操作简单,对于后者要求建立起数据一致性、完整性和安全性好的数据库。 本论文在对南开创元信息技术有限公司充分调研的基础上,针对该公司实际情况,采用Client/Server模式、利用JAVA语言进行系统的开发,以SQL Server 2000作为网络数据库,实现极光办公自动化系统。 系统用网络数据库将企业内员工的基本信息统一管理起来,形成集成的信息源,系统会根据员工所属部门对员工进行分类,这样有利于发送者快速找到发送目标,也能方便的进行信息的群发,在该系统中总经理具有最高的权限,负责对系统的管理。 该系统可使企业内员工之间信息的交流更高效,更便捷,也使企业内各部门之间员工的频繁往来减到最少,从而提高企业整体的办公效率,为企业节约成本,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中赢得优势,实现企业整体战略目标。 关键词:办公自动化 客户机/服务器 系统管理 ABSTRACT The aurora office automated system is developed to the NAIKAI CHUANGYUAN information technical company, specially used in the software of enterprises interior employees information interchange.Two respects of main setting-up including the development of the front application program and back end database that it develops course. As to the things that the former requires the application program to have complete function and operate simply, demand to set up the database with good consistency of the data, integrality and security to the latter. This thesis is on the basis of fully survey and study the information technical company of NAIKAI CHUANGYUAN, direct against this company actual condition, adopt Client/Server mode, utilize Java to carry on systematic development, regard SQL Server 2000 as the network database, realizing the aurora office automated system. System basic information of staff unify management stand up enterprise with network database, form information source of integration, system can classify the staff, according to department that staff belong to, helping person as fast as he can to find and send goal and can convenient to carry on group of message, the general manager has supreme authority, responsible for the management to the system in this system. System this can make enterprises staff exchange information high-efficient, convenient, and reduce the exchange of the staff of different enterprise department, improve the efficiency of the


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