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旅游口语从头学Chapter 1 行前事宜第一讲:计划旅行Planning a Trip计划旅行Tom: I am going to visit the Netherlands alone.Jane: Alone?Tom: Yes, I prefer DIY traveling to package tours.Jane: What are you planning to do during your stay there?Tom: Just tour around the city by bicycle.Jane: That sounds cool. How much is your budget?Tom: Im not going to spend too much money on accommodation.Jane: Then maybe you could stay at a hostel like many backpackers do.Tom: What a good idea!汤姆:我打算独自去荷兰游玩。简:独自一人?汤姆:是的,比起组团游我更喜欢自助旅行。简:你打算在那里做什么?汤姆:骑车游览那座城市。简:这听起来很酷。你的预算是多少?汤姆:我不打算在住宿方面花太多钱。简: 那么也许你可以像那些背包客一样,住在青年旅社。汤姆:好主意!第二讲:咨询旅游信息 Asking about Travel InformationSam: Hey, Nick Im going to visit Thailand. You have been there before,right?Nick: Yes, do you want some suggestions?Sam: Yes.Nick: Its better to go to the seaside but try to avoid the peak season.Sam: I see. I dont want to be one of the dumplings boiling in the sea.Nick: Thats what I said. Dont forget to have your room booked in advance.Sam: Of course.Nick: Be careful of the girls you meet at the pub.Sam: Why? Is it because they are gorgeous and dangerous?Nick: There is a chance that the girl you are kissing might be a guy.山姆:嘿,尼克。我打算去泰国游玩。你之前去过那里,对吧?尼克:是啊,你想听一些建议吗?山姆:好啊。尼克:去海边比较好,但是要设法避开旺季。山姆:我明白了。我也不想像煮水饺似的在海水里人挤人。尼克:我就是那个意思。不要忘记提前订房。山姆:当然。尼克:小心你在酒吧里认识的姑娘。山姆:为什么?是因为她们既美丽又危险?尼克:那是因为很有可能你在亲吻的女孩子是个男的。第三讲:申请签证Applying for a Visa Visa Officer: Why are you going to the U.S.?Lucy: Im taking a trip to Los Angeles.Visa Officer: Do you have relatives in the U.S.? If yes, who?Lucy: Yes. My uncle lives in Los Angeles.Visa Officer: What does your uncle do for a living?Lucy: He works for Starbucks.Visa Officer: OK. Well let you know once your visa is granted.Lucy: Thanks.签证官:您为什么要去美国?露西:我要去洛杉矶旅游。签证官:您在美国有亲戚吗?如果有,是谁?露西:有。我叔叔住在洛杉矶。签证官:您的叔叔做什么工作为生?露西:他在星巴克工作。签证官:好的。您的签证一旦通过我们就会立刻通知您。露西:谢谢。第四讲:旅行物品ArticlesJane: Hey, Amy, Im going to Thailand. What should I take?Amy: Sun block and your own toiletries are needed.Jane: I prefer to buy them at a local store.Amy: Then ta


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