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International Business English Correspondence Basics ;I. An Introduction to the Course;1.What is Business English? ;2. Business English vs. General English ;3. International Business English Correspondence;Writing Approaches for Business English Letters;间接式结构--传递令人失望的消息的商务信函尽量减少读者的不悦 ;2. Writing Principles for Business English Letters;4)完整(completeness)? 在商务英语使用过程中,我们应力求内容完整。商务英语篇章的完整性特点要求商务英语文书涵盖写信人希望收信人做出积极反应的一切情况及问题,或者回答对方来信提出的全部问题或要求。如在报盘时,需要写清商品、价格、交货时间及付款方式等。? 5)简洁(conciseness) 简明指的是尽可能地用精辟的文字清楚地表达你需要表达的内容,而又毫不损坏完整、具体和礼貌。各种商务信函应当在涵盖各种必须陈述的信息的基础上做到言简意赅、文字简洁,?其语言形式要简单、直接、明了,避免使用笼统的陈旧的商业术语、怪词、难词和长句,尽量多地使用熟悉的短词和口语体词。完整性和简洁性两个特点相互制约,相辅相成。 6)具体(concreteness)? 商务文书应力求具体、明确、形象,力避含糊,空泛、抽象。在给对方做出明确反应的信或答复对方的要求或问题的信中,尤其需要做到表述具体化。特别是合同、协议、通知、广告和需要做出具体答复像报盘、询问交易条款等的信函时,需要使用具体的事实和数据。在名词和动词的使用上,多使用意义明确的词。 7)正确(correctness)? 所谓正确,并非仅指语法、标点和词的拼写这些基本要素。商务文书内容(如事实、数据等)必须以准确的语言和商务套语加以表达,不得出半分差错,否则会给自己公司带来重大经济损失。 ;;1. Layout of Business Letter; Letter head is often printed on quality paper beforehand. It includes the essential particulars about the writer: the companies’ name, postal address and zip-code, telephone and facsimile numbers, websites, etc. You can see examples below: ;;Following are some of names of trade organizations in China:;;The date should be placed two or four spaces below the letterhead to the right for indented style or the left for the blocked style. The date should be written in full and not abbreviated. Spell out the name of the month, and do not show the date in figure like 11/9/2007 to avoid confusion. This is because there are two ways in writing the date.;The salutation is the polite greetings with which a letter begins. The customary formal greeting in a business letter is “Dear Sirs” or “Gentlemen”. It should be placed two spaces below the inside address.;;. The complimentary close is merely a polite way of ending a letter. Just as the use of Dear Sir, etc., is purely conventional, so is the use of Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Cordia



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