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双开式聚丙烯输液瓶加药后瓶口不压碘附棉球探讨   【摘要】 目的 探讨双开式聚丙烯塑料输液瓶加药后不压碘附棉球的可行性。方法 取聚丙烯塑料瓶装250 ml的无菌氯化钠注射液200瓶分为5组,每组40瓶,均在符合卫生部规定的Ⅲ级区空气细菌标准的环境中,由同一人分别在10、20、30、40、50 min的不同时段加药操作后,对瓶口及瓶内液体进行取样送细菌培养,每组每个时间段各送检20个样本,观察各时间段细菌的生长情况。结果 10、20 min的时间段无菌生理盐水瓶口无细菌生长,30、40、50 min时间段有细菌生长,主要为G杆菌、微球菌、类酵母样菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌,而配药后瓶内液体各个时间段均无细菌生长。表明不同时间段的瓶口被细菌污染数及各瓶口细菌污染菌落计数,以及配药后瓶口和瓶内液体的菌落数,经检验,差异有统计学意义(P   【关键词】 双开式聚丙烯输液瓶;加药后瓶口;碘附棉球   ?   作者单位:530012广西南宁市红十字会医院   ??   Double after dosing and ShuYePing open?die polypropylene bottle mouth will not press iodophor tampon discussed      LI Hong?mei, WANG Chun, WANG Sheng?chao, LAN Jin?lian.   Guangxi nanning Red Cross hospital, Nanning in Guangxi 530012   ?      【Abstract】 Objective   Explore ShuYePing open?die polypropylene plastic double after dosing and not pressure iodophor tampon feasibility. Methods Take polypropylene plastic bottles 250 ml sterile saline 200 bottles are classified into five groups of 40 bottles, are in compliance with the provisions of the ministry Ⅲ level area air bacteria standard environment, respectively by the same man in 10 min, 20 min, 30 min,40 min,50 min, the different time, after operating dosing of liquid bottle cork and sampling the cultured, each group sent each time period, each inspection 20 samples each time the growth of bacteria observation. Results The time 10 min and 20 min sterile saline bottle mouth without bacterial growth and 30 min,40 min, 50 min, period had bacterial growth, mainly for G bacillus, micro coccus, class yeast sample bacteria, coagulase?negative staphylococcus and dispensing of liquid in each time after bottle were no bacterial growth. Show different period polluted the bottle cork bacterial contamination and the number, and after colony count dispensing of liquid in the jug and bottles, via examining several colonies, P   10 mi   20 mi   30 min20 2?*2?*凝固酶、微球菌?* 200??**?   40 min20 4?*5?*凝固酶、微球菌、G?+杆菌?*200??**?   50 min20 5?*11?*凝固酶、微球菌、G?+杆菌?*、酵母菌



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