新中国60年四川农村小学教师经济收入变化研究——以广汉市为例-a study on the changes of economic income of primary school teachers in sichuan rural areas in the past 60 years in new china - taking guanghan city as an example.docx

新中国60年四川农村小学教师经济收入变化研究——以广汉市为例-a study on the changes of economic income of primary school teachers in sichuan rural areas in the past 60 years in new china - taking guanghan city as an example.docx

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新中国60年四川农村小学教师经济收入变化研究——以广汉市为例-a study on the changes of economic income of primary school teachers in sichuan rural areas in the past 60 years in new china - taking guanghan city as an example

tS449II III IIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111118i新中国 60年四川农村小学教师经济收入变化研究 一一以广汉市为例教育学原理专业?研究生:郭苏俏指导教师:关定初摘要z 农村教育在提高农村人口索质,促进农村经济和社会发展,增强销合罔力上发挥着意大作用。农村教育改革和发展的关键在于农村教师。经济收 入关系到农村教师的切身利益进而影响到农村教师队伍的稳定,以及农村教育 的发展,研究农村教师的经济收入具有意要的意义.首先,笔者主要依据我国经济政治发展情况以及农村教育管理和投入体 制的变革历程,将新中国 60 年四川农村小学教师经济收入的演变历史进行了 分期。其次,在分期的基础上,笔者通过实地访问广汉部分在职和退休农村小 学教师,并蛮阅广汉教育局和部分小学档案室涉及教师经济收入的资料,重 点考察了新中国 60 年广汉农村小学教师经济收入的变化情况。在此基础上, 再结合四川其它市县的相关资料进行综合分析,力求全圈又突出重点,来描 述新中国 60 年四川农村小学经济收入的变化情况。再次,笔者剖析了新中国 60 年四川农村小学教师经济收入方面存在的主 要问题 z 经济收入水平长期偏低,经济收入的激励作用甚辙,合法经济收入 长期得不到落实。并分析了原因:国家经济发展水平不佳,教师工资制度和工 资关系不合理,农村教商管理和投入体制不究替,法规和政策执行不力。最后,笔者分析了四川农村小学教师经济收入提高的障碍和机遇。关键诩t 农村小学教师经济收入变化MV .I比嘎LL伽!如hFF. 啡、jmtf』tg ,,刚咽、¥-)4喇叫叫v』dMWReseach on the Changes of Teachers Income in Rural Primary Schools of Sichuan Province during Sixty Years Since the Founding of New China…-Take Guanghan City As An ExampleMajor: Pedagogic Principle Postgraduate: Guo SuqiaoAdviser:Wu D也.gchu?,‘晶?怜Abstraet: Rural education plays a v即y important role in improving the quality of rural popu1a挝on, promo伽g socia1 and economic development of rural areas and increas鸣叫酬。山咐.R_y.阳也ers play a 咬role in 阳 reform and development of edu创on 恒 rural ar, . In∞,me ∞ncerns 也eir vita1int配时ts,affects 也e st驰ility of teachers and 由.e development of 创ucation in rural、E侃s.R,臼创rchingon 也e 恤∞me ofrura1 t剧chers has a great singni负ciance.First, on 也e base of Chinaeconomic and politiω1 development and rural创ucation management and inves恤ent syst棚,也e 剧也.or 剑ages 也e evolution histo叩 of teachers 加ωme in rural 伊m田y schools of Sichuan pro悦nce during sixty years sinω 也e founding of new China.Second, on 他 basis of stages,by interviewing 伽 teachers bo伽 on work andretired, gettingωme relevant in岛rmation in Guanghan 创ucationa1 bureau and some primary archiv饵,也e author mainly ∞,ncerns 也echangesof 阳achers inωme in rural prim即ysch∞,ls of Guanghan dur也g sixty years since the founding of new China. on 由is basis,础ing other cities and ωunties data 祖ωac∞,unt, and 也md创cibi



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