基于JTAG ICEAVR单片机开发系统软件设计.docVIP

基于JTAG ICEAVR单片机开发系统软件设计.doc

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基于JTAG ICEAVR单片机开发系统软件设计

基于JTAG ICE的AVR 单片机开发系统的软件设计 [摘 要]本课题介绍基于JTAG ICE 的AVR单片机开发系统的软件设计。系统采用C语言编程方法。课题以自主研发的AVR单片机开发平台为基础。使用了ICC AVR、AVR Studio和串口调试等软件,为系统各个模块及整体开发程序,进而讲述了本系统的各项功能。其中串口调试软件是使用VC++自主开发。整个开发平台有显示、按键、ADC、DAC、蜂鸣器、红外、串行通信、I2C通信、SPI通信等模块。各个模块都编写有相应的例程。通过这些例程结合开发系统可以很容易地学会 AVR的各种功能。另外,在学会各个模块化功能的基础上,编写了一个开发系统整体程序。把系统上面所有的资源尽量都用上,使读者对此系统有更深入的了解。经过对此AVR单片机开发系统的讲解,读者会对中高档单片机有一个深刻的了解,对以后工作或学习ARM等更高端产品都会有很大帮助。在以后的推广中,可以替代51单片机的位置。使用户在单片机领域提高一个档次。 [关键词]AVR单片机;ICC AVR;AVR Studio;开发平台;串口调试  The AVR JTAG ICE-based Microcontroller Development System Software Design Automation Specialty ZHANG Zhao-wei Abstract:This topic describes the AVR JTAG ICE-based microcontroller development system software design. System uses the C language programming. Subject to independent research and development of the AVR microcontroller development platform. Use the ICC AVR, AVR Studio and serial debugging software modules for the system and the overall development process, and then described the features of this system. One serial port debugging software is developed using VC + +. Showing the entire development platform, buttons, ADC, DAC, buzzers, infrared, serial communication, I2C communication, SPI communication module. The preparation of each module has a corresponding routine. Development system through the combination of these routines can easily learn various functions of AVR. In addition, learn the various modular features based on the preparation of a development system as a whole program. The system all of the above resources have to spend as much as possible, so that readers have a deeper understanding of the system. After this brief AVR microcontroller development system, high-grade readers will have a profound understanding of microcontroller, after work or study on ARM and other more high-end products will be of great help. Promotion in the future, you can replace 51 single-chip location. Allows the user to improve a grade in the SCM area. Key words: AVR microcontroller; ICC AVR; AVR S


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