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摘要 随着计算机技术日渐成熟,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为计算机的一部分,使用计算机对学校的课程信息进行管理,与手工管理相比拥有其无可比拟的优势。例如:检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、信息保存时间长等。这些优点能够极大地提高学校课程管理的效率,也是学校管理科学化、正规化的重要条件和标志。 教务管理系统在实现方面,使用了JSP+JavaBean+Servlet开发模式,将系统中的表现层和业务逻辑层分开。这种开发模式在一定程度上体现了MVC的思想,又减少了常规MVC模式的复杂性,在中小型Web应用的软件开发中具有一定的应用价值。而且采用JSP+JavaBean+Servlet开发模式进行该系统的具体实现,为日后程序的修改和扩展提供了很好的可扩展性。 关键词:教务管理系统;JSP+JavaBean+Servlet;MVC思想 Abstract As computer technology matures, it has entered human society in various fields and is playing an increasingly important role.?As a computer?Part of the school curriculum using a computer information management, compared with the manual management with its unparalleled advantages.?For example: Search?Rapid, easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, the information stored for a long time and so on.?These advantages can greatly improve the learning?The efficiency of the school curriculum management, school management is also a scientific and standardization of the important conditions and signs.? Educational administration system in the implementation, the use of JSP + JavaBean + Servlet development model, the systems presentation layer and business logic?Separately.?This development model to a certain extent, reflects the thinking of MVC, but also reduces the complexity of conventional MVC pattern, should be in small and medium Web?Used in software development has a certain value.?And the use of JSP + JavaBean + Servlet development model the specific implementation of the system?Now for future modification and expansion of the program provides a good scalability.? Key words : educational administration system; + javabean + servlet;the thinking of mvc  目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 系统开发背景 1 1.2 系统开发意义 1 1.3 系统开发目的 1 1.4 可行性分析 2 2 系统需求分析 3 2.1 系统总体功能分析 3 2.2 用户身份级别功能分析 3 2.3 教师模块功能分析 4 2.4 学生模块功能分析 4 2.5 管理员模块功能分析 5 3 数据库设计 7 3.1 数据库简介 7 3.2 数据表设计 8 3.3 系统E-R图 11 4 系统总体设计 12 4.1 系统功能模块划分 12 4.2 系统用例设计 13 4.3 系统流程分析 14 4.4 系统总体设计思想 16 5 系统详细设计


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