医学科研型博士 蛋白质课程 值得学习,华山中心实验室任教授宣讲培训.ppt

医学科研型博士 蛋白质课程 值得学习,华山中心实验室任教授宣讲培训.ppt

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医学科研型博士 蛋白质课程 值得学习,华山中心实验室任教授宣讲培训.ppt

蛋白质研究的技术与策略;自报家门(任惠民);研究蛋白质的意义;内 容; 蛋白质的凝胶电泳技术;特 点;Structure and Properties of Protein;Effect of pH and buffer on protein charge;Migration of protein depends on;蛋白质电泳类型; 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ;凝胶制作原理;Native gel electrophoresis;SDS (SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis);SDS;SDS;SDS;Recommended acrylamide concentration for protein electrophoresis;SDSand CBB R-250 staining;Gradient gels;SDS常见问题与解决方案;SDS常见问题与解决方案;IFE (Isoelectric Focusing Electrophoresis);IFE; 2D (Two-dimension polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) ;2D;蛋白质的染色 ; Selected staining methods;“Classical” Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Stain ;“Classical” Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Staining Protocol; Colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 Stain ;Colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 Staining Protocol; Imidazole-Zinc Reverse Stain ; Imidazole-Zinc Reverse Staining Protocol ;Silver Nitrate Stain;Silver Nitrate Stain; Fast Silver Nitrate Staining Protocol ;Fast Silver Nitrate Staining Protocol; Fluorescence-Based Protein Detection Methods for Total Protein Staining ; SYPRO Ruby Total Protein Stain ; SYPRO Ruby? Staining Protocol ; For Labeling Protein Samples for DIGE ; Minimal (Lys) Labeling Protein Samples ;Minimal (Lys) Labeling Protein Samples;Pro-Q Diamond ? Phosphoprotein Stain; Pro-Q Diamond? Phosphoprotein Staining Protocol ;Phosphoproteins;Other Phosphoproteins Stain Methods; Pro-Q Emerald? 488 Glycoprotein Stain ; For Pro-Q Emerald? 488 Glycoprotein Stain ;Other Glycoproteins Stain Methods; Western blot (蛋白免疫印迹);Western Blot 来历与原理;基本操作流程;Western blot 转膜;Western Blot 转膜;Western Blot 转膜;转膜效果检测;丽春红S染色;Selected general staining methods on blot membranes;目标蛋白的检测;Loading controls(内参照);Western Blot 特殊应用;重组蛋白Western blot鉴定及磷酸酶活性分析 ;Western Blot 常见问题与解决方案;Western blot 常见问题与解决方案;; 蛋白质研究的前??理技术; 目 的; 取材与分离 ;蛋白质提取;Protein Location And Lysis Buffer Choice;Nonidet-P40 (NP40) bu


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