权利 权利的行使及其限制——从中国姓名权第一案“赵c案”谈起-the exercise and limitation of right and power —— from the first case of chinas name right.docx

权利 权利的行使及其限制——从中国姓名权第一案“赵c案”谈起-the exercise and limitation of right and power —— from the first case of chinas name right.docx

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权利 权利的行使及其限制——从中国姓名权第一案“赵c案”谈起-the exercise and limitation of right and power —— from the first case of chinas name right

摘要公民的姓名权是人身权利的重要内容之一,在我国属于民法调整的人身权。近 年来,随着人们对精神利益的日益重视,姓名权的相关纠纷不断增多,“赵 C 案”正 是一个典型的姓名权案件。由于姓名权的重要性不断凸显,一些学者从不同的角度 对姓名权及其相关问题进行了研究和探讨。但我国目前有关姓名权的法律研究还比 较简单和零散,无法满足人们对于姓名权保护的需要。除此之外,“赵 C 案”还折射 出公权力与私权利的冲突问题,权力与权利是辨证统一的关系,公权力和私权利的 行使都有一定的边界,私权利的行使应当是合法的,公权力介入私权利应当是正当 的。本文围绕“赵 C 案”,通过提出公民是否有权决定使用什么名字、公民姓名权的 行使是否应该受到限制、对公民姓名权行使的限制是否有限度这三个问题,对公民 姓名权的保护和公权力与私权利的冲突问题进行了探讨。关键词:姓名权,公权力,私权利AbstractThe right of name is one of the citizen’s important personal rights, belonging to the category of personal rights adjusted by the Civil Law in our country. In recent years, as people pay more attention to the spiritual life, the disputes about the right of name increase day by day, and the case of “Zhao C” is just one example. Because of its importance, many legal scholars have conducted some research and discussion from different angles to the right of name. However, in our country this kinds of research cannot satisfy people’s requests to protect the name right. At present, the legislation about the citizen’s right of name is simple and scattered. The law case of “Zhao C” has also reflected the collision between the state’s public right and the citizen’s private right. The state’s public right and the citizen’s private right are dialectical and united, the performance of the two have their certain boundaries. The performance of the private right should be legitimate; the intervention by the public right in the private right should be justified. In this thesis, the writer discussed the protection of the right of name and the problem of collision between public rights of the state and the citizen’s private right through the following questions: whether the citizens have the right to decide their own names, whether the right of name should be restricted, whether the restriction should be limited.Key words: right of name, public right, private right独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研 究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在 文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到,本声明的法律结



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