Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 知识点总结.doc

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 知识点总结.doc

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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 知识点总结

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Introduction academic adj. Of teaching or learning in schools, colleges, etc. 学校的,学院的 The students returned in October for the start of a new academic year. Scholarly, not technical or practical 学者式的,非学术性的,实用的 History and politics are academic subjects. Of theoretical interest only 仅注重理论的,学术的 It is a matter of academic concern. Xie Lei’s preparation course is helping her to get used to the academic requirements of a western university. 【词组】academic exchange 学术交流 academic report 学术报告 academic discussion 学术讨论 academic research 学术研究 【词汇】academy n. 专科院校,研究院,学会 academician n. 院士,学会会员 academically adv. 学术上地,理论上地 favourite adj. best liked 特别受喜爱的,最喜欢的 Who is you favouite movie start? Denmark was his favorite European country.? n. the person or thing liked more than others 特别受喜爱的人或物 These books are great favourites of mine. Dessert is children’s favourite. Helen is the teacher’s favourite. = Helen is a favorite with the teacher. 没有比较级和最高级的形容词:favourite / favorite, wonderful, excellent, senior等。similar adj. like sb or sth but not exactly the same; alike 相似的,类似的 My view is similar to yours. = My opinion is similar to yours. Gold is similar in color to brass. Jack’s trousers are similar to Tom’s in style. The two teachers are similar in teaching method. 【词汇】dissimilar / different adj. 不同的,不像的 similarity n. 类似,相似之处 similarly adv. 相似地,同样,也 attitude way of feeling, thinking or behaving 态度,看法(后常和介词to搭配) 【搭配】have / show a positive attitude to / towards… 对…表现出积极的态度 have / show a negative attitude to / towards…对…表现出消极的态度 What’s your attitude to this event? He has a positive attitude towards life. Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. He showed a positive attitude towards helping others. (2) way of positioning the body 姿势 He stood in this attitude. She sat there in a graceful attitude. frozen attitude 冻僵的姿势 illogical attitude 不自然的姿势 forced attitude 强迫的姿势 take up an attitude摆出某种姿势 He took up an attitude of confid


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