body_language 浅谈国际商务谈判中的身势语.doc

body_language 浅谈国际商务谈判中的身势语.doc

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body_language 浅谈国际商务谈判中的身势语

浅论国际商务谈判中的无声语言 摘要 谈判语言可分为有声语言和无声语言。本论文就国际商务谈判中的无声语言进行论述。首先讲述其在商务谈判中的重要性。在谈判中,有声语言是主角,但少了无声语言的配合,有声语言就会显得枯燥乏味,无声语言就好比是润滑剂,它能让有声语言更生动有趣,有时无声语言以其丰富的内涵和多变的形式比有声语言更能表达谈判者的意思。接着讲到它的具体作用:替代、补充和调节。继而重点讲述无声语言的表达方式以及在谈判中应如何正确运用无声语言。通过举例的方法,希望对大家以后的谈判有所帮助。 关键词:谈判、无声语言 Abstract The negotiation language can be classified as verbal language and none-verbal language. This thesis just talks about the 1in negotiation. Firstly, I talk about the importance of it in negotiation. During negotiation, verbal language takes the leading role, but without the cooperation of none-verbal language it will be dull. None-verbal language acts as a kind of lubricator which make the verbal language be more lively and interesting. Sometimes, none-verbal language can express much clearer meaning than verbal language because of its rich connotation and changeable form. Then I talk about its functions: replacement, supplement and regulation. Then I particularly talk about the ways of verbal language and how to use it correctly. I take some examples in the thesis, and I hope it can help you in the future negotiation. Key words: negotiation, none-verbal language 1. The importance of none-verbal language 2. The function of none-verbal language 2.1 The function of replacement 2.2 The function of supplement 2.3 The function of regulation 3. Ways and application of none-verbal language 3.1 Body language 3.2 Similar language 3.3 Time and space language Every negotiator expects to succeed in negotiation. Language is the most important tool for negotiators, and the language can be classified as verbal language and none-verbal. So a successful negotiator should not only be good at verbal language, but also should be good at none-verbal language. Then lets talk about it. 1. The importance of none-verbal language In the process of international business negotiation, negotiators need verbal language to describe, argue, ask and answer and persuade, but along with the verbal language ,there is some action and expres


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