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毕 业 论 文 题目 浅析商品促销策略的合理运用   目 录 摘要 一、绪论 1 (一)选题背景与意义 1 (二)商品促销策略研究的意义 1 二、商品促销策略的概况 1 (一)促销策略的分类 1 (二)促销策略的功能 1 三、商品促销策略的实际应用分析 2 (一)商品销促销策略的发展现状 2 (二)企业选择促销策略需考虑的因素 3 (三)企业选择正确促销策略的重要性 3 四、对我国未来商品促销策略发展的建议 4 (一)夯实基础树立良好的企业形象 4 (二)加强沟通确保方案贯彻执行 4 (三)立足企业实情发展促销创新 4 结语 5 参考文献 6 摘 要 摘要:市场营销策略在现代企业管理中具有非常重要的地位和作用,决定企业和关系到企业的生存与发展的重大行动步骤的发展方向。而在市场营销中,促销策略也扮演着一个十分重要的角色,特别是在国内,国际市场竞争日趋激烈的条件下,重视和加强研究促销策略,无疑是为推动该企业经济发展提供良好的途径。随着中国经济的不断发展和市场的成熟,越来越多市场营销促销策略成为成功的关键,正确运用促销策略也已成为个别企业,特别是大中型国有企业在竞争中的可用性成功的关键。促销策略一定程度上加深市场和企业之间的连接,可以说是企业理念体现在市场上,公司提高市场占有率,增强竞争力,促进完善公司治理的有效手段,同时也促进了市场导向型企业调整产品结构。以一个正确的促销方式来开发适销对路的产品,提高产品技术附加值,最终提高经济效益。 关键词:企业;营销;促销;策略 Abstract Abstract:Marketing strategy has a very important position and role in the modern business management, business development direction and decisions related to the survival and development of enterprises in the major action steps. Especially in the domestic and international markets increasingly competitive conditions, attention and strengthen research marketing strategy for enterprise development has particular significance. As the Chinese economy continues to develop and market matures, more and more marketing strategies to become the key to success, proper use of marketing strategies have also become individual enterprises, especially medium-sized state-owned enterprises is the key to the availability of success in the competition. Marketing strategy to become the market and connecting link between enterprises, corporate philosophy is reflected in the market, the company increase market share, enhance competitiveness and promote an effective means to improve corporate governance, but also to promote a market-oriented enterprises to adjust product structure, one important way to develop marketable products, improve product technology added value, and ultimately improve economic efficiency. Keywords:Enterprise,Marketing,Product,Tactics 一、绪论 (一)选题背景与意义 市场营销策略作为一项重要的策略,其目的是提高企业营销资源的效率,从而使企业利用资源,以最


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