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共 105 页 必修4  Unit 1 Women of achievement 提示:表示“偶然遇见”意思的常见短语还有:meet with, happen to meet, chance to meet, meet...by chance/accident, run across, run into。 高 效 作 业 自我测评·技能备考 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Devoted to the cause of education all her life, she was r_______________ by all the people in her country. 2.His first song was __________ by the memory of his mother. 3.The old man came in, with two young men ______________ his body. 4.Swimming across the lake for the first time is a great a___________. 5.Theres a c_____________ between smoking and heart disease. 6.Jane devoted herself to social _________(福利) work. 7.They work in an art ___________ (学院). 8.He is a __________ (专家) in history. 9.Do you know about the ________________ (组织)? 10.They started a ____________ (运动) to stop people smoking. Ⅱ .单项选择 1.Business studies ______ a skill-based subject which ______ students ability to use their knowledge. A.is; test  B.is; tests C.are; test D.are; tests 答案:B 解析:考查主谓一致。由句中a skill-based subject 可知 business studies 指“一门学科”,谓语用单数;which 代替 a subject,谓语也用单数。 2.Greatly ______, the students made up their minds to work at English even harder. A.inspiring B.inspired C.having inspired D.to inspire 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。过去分词 inspired 做状语,表示“受到激励”。 3.He argued ______ smoking, and insisted that it was ______ argument that smoking was harmful to health. A.for; beyond B.against; over C.for; over D.against; beyond 答案:D 解析:考查固定搭配:argue against 和 beyond argument。 4.It struck me like lightning how difficult it must have been for a woman to get medical training so long ago when womens education was always placed ______ to mens. A.better B.worse C.second D.first 答案:C 解析:second to 意为“次于;亚于”。 5.______hit me all of a sudden ______ I had forgotten her birthday. A.That; that B.That; what C.It; that D.It; what 答案:C 解析:句中 it 做形式主语,真正的主语是 that从句。 6.______ everything into consideration, she decided to work in Tibet. A.Giving B.Taking C.Taken D.Given 答案:B 解析:o co


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