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第一组spend/ take /cost ①spend的主语通常是“人”,即“某人在─花多少时间或金钱。” 例句: 1)The boy spends a lot of money.(in) playing computer games. (那个男孩花了很多钱玩电子游戏。) 2)She spent lots of money on books last year. (去年她花费很多钱在书本上。) ②take前常以it作形式主语,作“做某事需要花多少时间。” It takes +(人)+时间+ to do sth. 1)How long does it take you to finish the work? (你需要多少时间才能完成那工作?) 2)It took me an hour to repair my bike. (我花了一个小时修理自行车。) 3)It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth. (说真话需要很大的勇气。) ③cost的主语通常是事物,即指 ①某物值多少钱②需要多少时间③某人花了多少钱④使(某人)(丧失)(事/物)+cost+(人)+时间/金钱 1)The watch cost me two hundred yuan. (这块手表花了我200块钱。) 2)Writing a novel cost plenty of time. (写本小说要花很多时间。) 3)The girls bad behavior cost her parents many sleepless nights. (那个女孩的不良行为使得她的父母许多夜晚睡不着。) 注意:cost的过去式,过去分词都是cost。 第二组: speak/say/tell/talk ①speak说某种语言,说某人好、坏话是及物动词;发表讲话,对某人说话,是不及物动词。 1)The students speak English very fluently. (这些学生英语说得非常流利。) 2)The Prime Minister spoke on the international situation. (首相就国际形势发表了演说。) 3)She always speaks ill of others. (她总是说别人的坏话。) ②speak的习惯用语: Generally speaking 一般而言 Frankly speaking 坦白地说 Strictly speaking 严格地说 not to speak of 且不说;更不用说 1)Generally speaking, man is stronger than woman. (一般而言,男人比女人强壮。) 2)We can speak English, not to speak of Chinese. (我们会读英语,汉语更不用说了。) ④say说出某句话或某件事;后接从句,(但say与从句之间不能直接接人称代词或名词);说明时间;书信、布告报纸上的“说”,习惯用法 1)She said ,“I love you.” (她说:“我爱你。”) 2)Say goodbye to them. (跟他们说再见。) 3)She says she is busy. (她说她很忙。) 4)My watch says 10:00 sharp. (我的表是十点整。) 5)The paper says that there was a big fire in Shanghai. (报上说上海发生了一场大火)。 6)It is said that she has been away for a month. (据说她已走了一个月了) 7)It goes without saying that education is important. (不用说,教育是重要的。) 8)Tom is a good student, that is to say, he gets good grades in school. (Tom是个好学生,也就是说,他在学校的成绩很好。) ③ ①tell说谎;讲故事;说实话 1)Dont tell a lie. (不要说谎。) 2)She likes to tell stories. (她喜欢讲故事。) 3)We should always tell the truth. (我们应该永远说实话。) ③ ②tell辨别;叫某人做某事;接“间接”与“直接”宾语;tell+宾语+that从句 1)Sometimes we cant tell right from wrong. (有时我们无法辨别是非。) (他告诉我他要去那儿。) ④talk连续地说话;习惯用法


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