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第9次周考答案 语 文(老师没提供) 数学(理)(老师没提供) 数学(文) 英 语 物 理 化 学 生 物 政 治 历 史 地 理 (文)参考答案 一、选择题: BDDAA CDABC AB 二、填空题: 13. 14. 4 15. 8 16. ①②③④ 17. 18.(1)不等式的解集为 是方程的两个根, 由韦达定理得, 实数的值分别为 …………6分 (2)是的充分条件, ,即是的子集, 即, 解得. 所以实数的取值范围为.…………12分 19. 21. 22 高三英语周测试卷答案 21-23 CAA 24-27 DCAC 28-31DABB 32-35 AACA 36-40CBDGF 41-45 DBACD 46-50 BADCA 51-55 DBCBA 56-60 DBCAC 语法填空 61. as 62. who 63. but 64. complaints 65. it 66. angrier 67. to cancel 68. had been left 69. Having read 70. if 短文改错 were→ was (Line 1) with去掉(Line 1) of→in(Line 2) reality前加a(Line 3) study→ studying(Line 5) His→Her(Line 5) significantly→significant(Line 6) developed→developing(Line 7) accepted→received(Line 8) what→which(Line 8) In the English Reading Day, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, which goes like this: “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” I can’t agree more with this view. It’s true that almost everyone hopes for a better tomorrow such as a well-paid job and a happy family. To make this dream come true, what we are supposed to do is seize the present moment. In other words, we must take action right now for a bright future. Take Ma Yun for example. Shortly after quitting his job from a college, he started a small firm focusing on e-business for he longed to be a well-known businessman in the future. Despite the fact that he met with many difficulties at the very beginning, he didn’t give up but made up his mind to cherish every single day to realize his aspiration step by step. Finally, his hard work paid off----He has become a world-famous Internet tycoon. In a word, I hold the firm belief that if you do your best today your are bound to have a bright future. 试卷答案 1.;要使B刚要离开地面,则弹力应等于B的重力,即,故形变量,则,故A错误;A、缓慢提升物体A,物体A的动能不变,第一阶段与第二阶段弹簧的形变量相同,弹簧的弹性势能EP相同,由动能定理得:,, ,,由于在整个过程中,弹簧的弹性势能不变,物体A、B的动能不变,B的重力势能不变,由


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