CHAPTER 3 电路原理课件.ppt

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CHAPTER 3 电路原理课件

3.1 Introduction NETWORK TOPOLOGY Tree(树):A set of branches which does not contain any loops and connects every node to every other nodes. Cotree(余树):After a tree has been specified, those branches that not part of the tree form the cotree. Link(连支):Any branch belonging to the cotree. 3-2 结点电压法 Node-Voltage Analysis / Nodal Analysis 一、Steps: 1. Select a node as the reference node. Assign voltages V1,V2,…,Vn-1 to the remaining n-1 nodes . 2. Apply KCL to each of the n-1 nonreference nodes. Use Ohm’s law to express the branch currents in terms of node voltages. 3. Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to obtain the unknown node voltages. G11U①+G12U②+G13U③+G15U⑤= (G1+G3+G4+G5+G6)U①-G1U②-G3U③-G4U④-(G5+G6)U⑤ = G1US1- G6US6+IS2-IS4+G4US4 (G1+G3+G5+G6)U①-G1U②- G3U③-( G5+G6)U⑤= G1US1- G6US6+IS2-IS4 改进节点法 MODIFIED NODAL ANALYSIS US2:无伴电压源 Assign an unknown current to the branch which contains the voltage source. a:Ua=US1 (1) bc:I3+I4= I5+ I6 Example:R1=R2=R3=R4=R6=2?,R7=6?,US1=4V,US5=10V,IS7=1A,IS8=4A,?=2, ?=2. Find the node voltages. Mesh(网孔):A loop which does not contain any other loops within it. 支路电流法 BRANCH ANALYSIS 以支路电流为未知量,直接应用KCL和KVL建立电路方程,从方程中解出各支路电流。 Example: R1=1?,R3=2?,US1=2V,IS2=0.5A,find I3,PU,PI。 Example: R2=2?,R3=3?,US3=3V,gm=1S,find the currents I2,I3。 以基本回路电流为独立变量,在基本回路中建立KVL方程,解方程组得回路电流,随后确定支路电流。 基本回路电流:在基本回路(单连支回路)中,由连支电流形成的环流,简称回路电流。 I1:-US1+US6=R1I1+R6I6+R5I5+ R4I4 ∵I4= I1+I2, I5=I4-I3=I1+I2-I3, I6=I1-I3 ∴ I1:(R1+R4+R5+R6)I1+(R4+R5) I2 -(R5+R6)I3= -US1+US6 I2:(R4+R5)I1+(R4+R5)I2-R5I3= -US2 I3:-(R5+R6) I1-R5I2+(R3+R5+R6) I3= -US6 :Sum of all independent voltage sources in loop 1,with voltage rise treated as positive. Example: R1=1?,R2=2?,R3=3?,R4=4?,IS5=5A. What value of gm is required to give the current I3 of 0A. 网孔电流法 Mesh Analysis A loop is any closed path, and a mesh is a loop which does not contain any other loops within it. A mesh current is a current that flows only


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