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* 资料来源: Unit of measure 机密 此报告仅供客户内部使用。未经麦肯锡公司的书面许可,其它任何机构不得擅自传阅、引用或复制。 Document Date First, we need to identify the reason for the interview. As a rule, most of our interviews will have information-gathering or relationship-building objectives. LGD000921BJ(GB)-Kickoff * After careful planning, the keys to conducting a successful interview are to build rapport, listen effectively, and be flexible. Good interviews have three components – all of which require time and attention. During the opening, we establish an atmosphere of trust. In the core, we guide the dialogue and manage the tradeoff between allowing a free-ranging discussion and covering everything we planned. In the closing, we recap key points and agree on next steps. LGD000921BJ(GB)-Kickoff * ATTACHMENT A A-1 LGD000921BJ(GB)-Kickoff * A-2 LGD000921BJ(GB)-Kickoff * In sequencing the questions, we need to decide whether to go from the general to the specific or vice versa. The funnel technique starts with open questions and proceeds to increasingly restricted questions. This style works best when the interviewee knows the topic and wants to talk about it. It enables us to focus the more talkative speaker – and it helps avoid mistaken assumptions about the interviewee’s perspective. The inverted funnel technique starts with closed questions and moves toward broader questions. It helps with a reluctant interviewee or when we think the interviewee might not have thought through the issues. By delaying broader questions, we give interviewees a chance to review the facts and reach their own conclusions. LGD000921BJ(GB)-Kickoff * A-3 LGD000921BJ(GB)-Kickoff * 访谈目的 了解组织文化 建立信誉和信任 找到前进中的障碍 优化下一步骤 收集信息/ 收集数据 对议题,领域或 具体公司 具体了解 访谈准备 分享成果 访谈的三步曲 核心 开始 结束 以访谈目的和最终成果驱动 确认访谈是否是获取信息的最佳途径 – 访谈耗时较长 建立访谈背景资料 考虑细节 – 时间、地点,如可能,亲自安排访谈 尽可能了解与访谈有关的基本情况(例如,竞争对手,行业术语,被访谈者与麦肯锡/客户的关系) 如果你要向被访谈者索取文件,需事先通知被访谈者 以“问题树”为基础设计访谈提纲 在进行中,实时修改你的访谈提纲和议题 最佳做法 访谈准备 分享成果 访谈 在对被访谈者没有风险的环境中进行访谈 注意力集中并表示尊敬,不要迟到 使被访谈者有交谈的意愿,不要逼问 处处为被访谈者考虑 保持适当的眼神接触


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