英国文学史Alfred Tennyson.ppt

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英国文学史Alfred Tennyson

’Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all 1. Life and Career Born in Lincolnshire, the fourth son of George Tennyson Showed an early interest and talent in poetic composition Naturally shy, retiring, indifferent to men, hating noise and publicity, and loving to be alone with nature Studied at the Trinity College, Cambridge and became an intimate friend of Arthur Hallam The sudden death of Hallam threw Tennyson into a profound spiritual depression. In 1850 his greatest work In Memoriam was published; he was appointed the poet laureate. Alfred Tennyson Tennyson Birth Place 2 Major Works Poems (1832) The Princess (1847) In Memoriam (1850) Maud and Other Poems (1855) Idylls of the King (1885) 3. Artistic Features He has the natural power of linking visual pictures with musical expressions. His poems are quite simple and musical, and his rhythm is always neat. His poems are traditional in style and rich in poetic images. The Eagle He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls. 鹰 它蜷曲的爪子抓在巉岩;? 荒原上的太阳在它身边,? 它站在蔚蓝世界的中间。?? 底下是蠕动着的皱海面;? 它在墙似的山岩上细看;? 朝下扑去时迅猛如闪电。 (黄杲昕:113) He clasps the crag with crooked hands; (a) (personification拟人) (alliteration头韵) (assonance谐元音) Close to the sun in lonely lands, (a) (hyperbole夸张) (assonance谐元音) (alliteration头韵) Ringed with the azure world, he stands. (a) (assonance谐元音)) The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; (b) (metaphor暗喻) ( assonance谐元音) He watches from his mountain walls, (b) ( assonance谐元音) (metaphor暗喻) And like a thunderbolt he falls. (b) (similie明喻)


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