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考研英语冲刺短语必背 最专业的学习资料下载网站 考研英语应该注意以下短语 饥荒 famine 野生动物灭绝 wildlife extinction 濒危物种 endangered species 地热资源 geothermal resources 厄尔尼诺 EI Nino 环境/空气/水/噪音污染 environmental / air / water / noise pollution 资源枯竭 resources exhaustion 保护区 reserve areas 沙尘暴 sand / dust storms 过度捕捞 over-fishing 过度放牧 overgrazing 土壤侵蚀 soil erosion 沙漠化 desertification 自然灾害 natural disaster 洪涝威胁 flood threat 暴风雨 storm; tempest 暴风雪 blizzard 旱灾 drought 地震 earthquake 火灾隐患 fire hazard 自然栖息地 natural habitat 滥砍滥伐 deforestation; clear cutting 可更新资源 renewable resources 生态失衡 disruption of ecological balance 水土保持 water and soil conservation 不可再生资源 non-renewable resources 滑坡泥石流 landslide 水资源短缺 shortage of water resources 火山爆发 eruption of volcanoes 雪崩 avalanche 飓风 hurricane 破坏 to devastate / ruin / destroy 有害化合物 harmful chemicals 有毒气体 poisonous / toxic gases 一氧化碳 carbon monoxide 城市烟雾 urban smog 放射性污染物 radioactive pollutants 一次性饭盒 throw-away lunchbox 有害核废料 hazardous nuclear waste 工业废料 industrial waste 汽车排放标准 car emission standard 不可生物降解材料 non-biodegradable material 汽车排放废气 waste gas sent off from automobiles 全球变暖 global warming 可循环产品 recyclable product 保护自然环境 to conserve natural resources 塑料袋 plastic bags 热带雨林 tropical rain forests 能源危机 energy crisis 淡水短缺 shortage of fresh water 环保意识 environmental awareness 适者生存 survival of the fittest 温室效应 greenhouse effect 食物链 food chain 生态系统 ecosystem 综合治理 comprehensive treatment 原油泄漏 oil leakage 酸雨 acid rain 恶习性肿瘤 malignant tumor 抢险救灾 rescue and relief work 人工降雨 artificial precipitation 植树节 Arbor Day 恶性循环 vicious circle 西部大开发 Development of the West Regions 可持续性发展 sustainable development 垃圾处理 garbage disposal? 1.?abide?by(=be?faithful?to?;?obey)忠于;遵守。? 2.?be?absent?from….?缺席,不在? 3.?absence?or?mind(=being?absent-minded)?心不在焉? 4.?absorb(=take?up?the?attention?of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be?absorbed?in?全神贯注于…近:be?engrossed?in?;?be?lost?in?;?be?rapt?in?;be?concentrated?on?;?be?focused?on?;?be?centered?on? 5.?(be)?abundant?in(be?rich?in;?be?well?supplied?with)?富于,富有?? 6.?access(to)?(不可数名词)


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