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* FACTORS FOR QRQC APPROACH DEPLOYEMENT 涉及QRQC开展的因素 POSITIVE有利的 NEGATIVE不利的 WEIGHT重要性 N°序号 How to deploy ?如何开展? List positive and negative factors 列出有利和不利的因素 Propose actions to counter negative factors / to build on positive ones正对不利的因素列出行动计划,建立积极的因素。 What will be your personnel contribution ?你个人的贡献是什么? * * * Factor Investigation and Compliance to Standard (FICS) 要素调查及遵守标准 ISBG RSA Division Comittee 2005 02 18 Property of Faurecia - duplication prohibited Introduction to QRQC -质量问题的快速反应 * Agenda目录 Requirements for a performing problem solving解决问题的必要条件 Introduction to QRQC / QRQC 介绍 QRQC Behaviors / QRQC 行动 QRQC Tools / QRQC 工具 QRQC Organization / QRQC 组织 How to deploy ? 怎样开展? Requirements for a performing problem solving 解决问题的必要条件 * Brainstorming 头脑风暴 What is the Managers role in problem solving ? 问题解决过程中管理者的作用是什么? 3 post-it / person 每个人列出三条 What are the key points for an effective problem solving ? 有效解决问题的关键是什么? 3 post-it / person 每个人列出三条 2. Introduction to QRQC QRQC介绍 2 Examples 两个例子 History 历史 Definition 定义 * 2 different approaches to tackle an issue 2种不同的方法去解决一个问题 A first approach to problem solving 第一个解决问题的方法 Key points关键点 Assess efficiency + speed评估效率和速度 A second approach to problem solving 第二个解决问题的方法 Key points 关键点 Assess efficiency + speed 评估效率和速度 Summary总结 * History 历史 Invented by Nissan in the 90‘s 90年代由尼桑公司创造 1. Real-time data collection, processing and dissemination, 实时的数据收集、处理及分发 2. Regular reviews (shift, day) at fixed time to share info, clarify responsibilities and launch reactive actions 在固定的时间定期(班、天)回顾并分享信息,明确职责并启动行动计划 Adopted by Valeo in 2002 2002年被法雷奥采用 Target : change company culture, 目标:改变公司文化 Focus on standards 注重标准 * Focus on management‘s role: coaching and monitoring 关注于管理层的作用:培训和监控 Also adopted by Renault, PSA, Philips…也被雷诺、标致雪铁龙、飞利浦等公司采用 QRQC is becoming a standard of quality mana


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