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外文翻译 1.外文原文 On a strategy to enhance employee loyalty Papers Category:Management Papers - Human Resource Management Papers Post Time:2011-9-2 11:01:00 Abstract: This article focuses on the cultivation of employee loyalty and enhance, from recruitment, to create a working environment, pay and benefits, employee training and career planning, incentives, loyalty management in 10 areas, made the appropriate management strategy. Keywords: social organization loyalty incentive pay system Factors affecting employee loyalty can be divided into employees personal factors, environmental factors, business factors and three social classes, characteristics related to their own employees, employees of enterprises and environmental awareness, salary distribution and performance assessment, corporate culture, work environment, leadership, to staff development opportunities and space, the psychological contract between employees and enterprises are the same, the business situation and development prospects, corporate layoffs, the temptation to external companies, social values, market-oriented employment mechanism, legal restraint system, social integrity of the state and so on. In light of this, companies according to their actual situation, the following aspects to nurture and enhance staff loyalty. A recruitment period as the loyalty-oriented personnel selection The traditional method of recruitment, the recruitment and selection process, emphasis is often placed on the ability to work study job, the expense of job seekers understand the character and personality fact as long as the applicants application materials carefully review and analyze, but also to obtain other useful information, for example, companies in which the candidates have worked, the average length of working hours, reasons for departure, etc. These information can be a greater tendency to preclude those who quit the job. The level of employee loyalty to their level of acceptance of corporate values ??are



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