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农 业 工 程 导 论 INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 主讲:毛志怀 李保明 杨培岭 高振江 李栋 第一章 绪论 一、农业工程性质与地位 二、农业工程简史 三、农业工程学科内容 四、农业工程的发展方向 五、专业学习任务 一、农业工程的性质与地位 什么是农业工程? 农业工程的性质 农业工程在农业中的地位 农业工程在工业中的地位 农业工程对人类社会的贡献 1、什么是农业工程? 工程的定义 Engineering – definition Engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. by The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Definition of the Practice of Professional Engineering The practice of professional engineering means any act of planning, designing, composing, evaluating, advising, reporting, directing or supervising, or managing any of the foregoing, that requires the application of engineering principles and that concerns the safeguarding of life, health, property, economic interests, the public welfare or the environment. from the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers Agricultural Engineering is that branch of professional engineering which requires such education and experience as is necessary to understand and apply engineering principles to the design, construction, and use of specialized equipment, machines, structures and materials relating to the agricultural industry and economy. It requires knowledge of the engineering sciences relating to physical properties and biological variables of foods and fibers; atmospheric phenomena as they are related to agricultural operations; soil dynamics as related to traction, tillage and plant-soil-water relationships; and human factors relative to safe design and use of agricultural machines. The safe and proper application and use of agricultural chemicals and their effect on the environment are also concerns of the agricultural engineers. The above definition of agricultural engineering shall n



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