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毕业生信息管理系统网站 摘 要 Internet的快速发展,使互联网已成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,显然它已成为社会生活的一部分。因特网给信息交流带来了巨大影响,网络信息化进入一个崭新的阶段。而根据统计,我国年都有近120多万名高校毕业生毕业,高峰时期将近160万。因而对毕业生信息的管理要求也越来越高。 毕业生信息管理系统就是基于这样一种现实提出的一种利用互联网络的快速、高效、方便、快捷等特点来帮助高校管理人员更好更快的完成大批量毕业生信息的管理任务的管理系统网站。网站中用户分不同角色登录,登录后用户可以根据自己的权限和需要进行各自不同的操作。本网站提供了毕业生、教师以及管理员三种角色的权限管理功能。 毕业生信息管理系统的网站的设计不仅仅是为了满足高校对大批量毕业生信息管理的需要,更是适应当今信息爆炸时代的信息高效快速管理的需要。也是高校和毕业生等各方受益于科学技术的一个典型。随着科学技术,具体的说是网络技术的高速发展,利用网络特别是网站的形式来满足办公生活等方面的需求已成为必然的趋势。而毕业生信息管理系统网站的出现也是适应这种趋势的一种产物。 网站采用B/S体系结构,服务器端采用Microsoft Windows 2000作为网络操作系统,Web服务器软件采用Apache Tomcat5.0服务器。客户端软件,包括单机操作系统和浏览器软件,分别选用Windows 2000和Internet Explorer,数据库系统采用MySQL数据库系统。 关键词 毕业生;信息管理;B/S;JSP;Servlet ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Internet, the Internet has become a channel people can get information from. Obviously it has become part of the social life. The advent of Internet has brought the enormous influence confidence communication.Also bring the network information into a new stage. According to statistics, more than 120 million graduates every year , which obviously pushes the government that manage these graduates information on more and more pressure and higher and higher requestment. Of course, only relying on manpower efforts is peanuts. Fortunately we got the Internet,which not only contains the abandent of the information we need,but serves us more effectively and gives us more convenience . So using this,we can tackle this tough issue easily! This web based on the concepts of convenience,fast,effective, gives the managers a good solution. Web users log on with different roles?the graduates can search information,change information, information comments;the teachers can search and change the information, send the job news ,upload the files and so on. This website not only can satisfy the requestment of the need of the information management of the graduates,but makes the colleges keep up with the speed of the development of this information times. It is also the typical classic that


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