最终幻想维度攻略之 记忆的收集与使用40.pdf

最终幻想维度攻略之 记忆的收集与使用40.pdf

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最终幻想维度攻略之 记忆的收集与使用40

忆的收集与使用 (The list of Memories locations and use it) 每一代的 FF 似乎都会有一个比较特别的职业 ( 或角色 ) ,可以使用比别人更多的技能、更多种类的装备, 也可能是具备不同职业的技能,例如 FF6 的模仿师 GoGo。 - (I m from Taiwan, and I m sorry about my poor English. I hope you guys can understand what I translated.) - Every generation of FF will have a special Jobs (or roles). You can use more skills, equipments, and different Jobs Abilities, such as GoGo in FF6. - 在 FFD 里面, 忆士也是一个特别的职业。 In FFD, Memorist is also a special Job. - - 一、 忆与回忆录的使用建议 (1) Advice for Memory and Recollect - 忆士可以装备所有的武器与防具 ( 暗黑剑除外 ) ,身上的特别能力有回忆录、备忘录,光是这两个能力 要各占掉 3 格技能槽,就可知道特别之处,不过……每种职业身上的技能槽,最多只会有 4 格 ( JLV 19 后 ) ,那么是否真的好用就见仁见智了。只是如果真不好用,我也不会写这一篇文章XDDDDD Memorist can equip all weapons and armors except Dark Blade. He has two special abilities are named Recollect and Memorandom. The two Abilities each use 3 slots. The other Jobs only have 4 slots, so it s a matter of opinion whether it is really strong to use. But I won t post this if it s really not useful. - - 顺带一提,当你某角色达成全职业攻顶,自由人会新增 2 格,就有 6 格! Incidentally, when a role reaches all Jobs JLV20, the Jobless will add 2 slots. There are 6 slots! - 但是说真的,就算自由人最终会有 6 格,能够装备到多强呢?别忘了, 忆士是光之战士的专属职业,暗 之战士是用不到的…..,如果你真的花了很多时间去把某个人的全职业练满,让自由人多了 2 格,那么推 荐的能力是:回忆录 ( 3 格 ) + 力量提升 20% ( 1 格 ) + 歌唱 ( 2 格 ) Seriously, although Jobless has 6 slots finally, how strong is it? Don t forget that Memorist is only for the Warriors of Light, not for Dark. If you spend so much time in reaching all Jobs JLV20, then add 2 slots for Jobless, my suggestion is: Recollect (3 Slots) + STR+20% (1 Slots) + Bardsong (2 Slots). - 歌唱当然是为了使用英雄之歌,至于为什么要提升力量,请继续往下看。 Of course Bardsong is for Heroic Hymn. Please continue to read the reason for STR+20%. - - 忆有三种: (1) 小小的记忆:提升能力值 + 3 (2) 美妙的记忆:提升能力值 + 5 (3) 重要的记忆:提升能力值 + 10 There are 3 kinds of Memories: (1) Small Memory: Increases stats by 3 (2) Lovely Memory: Increases stats by 5 (3) Valuable Memory:


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