影视美联英语 1960年代复古风随《广告狂人》谢幕31.doc

影视美联英语 1960年代复古风随《广告狂人》谢幕31.doc

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影视美联英语 1960年代复古风随《广告狂人》谢幕31

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:影视英语 1960年代复古风随《广告狂人》谢幕 And so, farewell to “Mad Men.” Farewell to the blogs and fan sites that tracked the story line (and more important, the outfits) of each episode. 别了,《广告狂人》(Mad Men)。别了,那些追踪每集情节(更重要的是,每集服装)的博客和粉丝网站。 Farewell to Don and his perfect suits, to Peggy and her plaids, to Joan and her jewel tones and sheaths. 别了,唐(Don)和他完美的西服;别了,佩姬(Peggy)和她的格子裙;别了,琼(Joan)和她的珠光宝气以及紧身连衣裙。 Since Sunday, viewers everywhere have been in mourning, at least judging by the Twitterati. 从周日起,各地的观众都在叹息该剧剧终,至少从Twitter名人的帖子来看是这样的。 I, however, am not among them. 不过,我不在叹息之列。 Not because I am happy to see the end of what was one of television’s smartest series, a pioneer of what is now generally accepted as the current golden age of small-screen serials. 不是因为我乐意看到一部精彩的电视剧剧终——如今已被公认为电视剧的黄金时代,而它正是这个时代的先驱。 But because I can’t help but hope that with the end of 揗ad Men?comes the end of a period in fashion that has seen designers become trapped in the past to an almost stifling degree. At least the past as it looked in the 1960s (which in the beginning, let us not forget, looked a lot like the late 1950s) and early ?0s. 我只是忍不住希望,随着《广告狂人》的终结,一个时尚阶段也能终结,在这个阶段,设计师们被困于过去的时代,几乎窒息——至少是困在20世纪60年代(不要忘了,60年代初与50年代末非常相似)至70年代初。 Even for an industry that generally views history as a grab bag of potential inspiration to be dipped into and mixed and matched at will, this has been extreme. 时尚界通常视历史为潜在灵感的百宝囊,可供随时汲取、混合搭配。即便如此,目前这一阶段对历史的依赖也太过极端。 For as long as the show has been running — ever since its debut in 2007 — we have been, it seems, suffering from what Hadley Freeman in The Guardian newspaper dubbed “madmenalaria.” 从该剧2007年首播至今,我们似乎患上了哈德利·弗里曼(Hadley Freeman)在《卫报》(The Guardian)上所称的“广告狂人狂热症”(madmenalaria)。 She defined the term as “the desire to dress like a character from ‘Mad Men,’ ” though I would revise that and call it the mass fashion conviction that all consumers want to dress like characters from “Mad Men.” The show’s visua


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