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摘 要 本设计就基于AT8952单片机系统的研究。 本设计以AT8952单片机为核心设计出利用Protel软件设计电路,运用Keil软件编程,利用Proteus仿真来实现其功能本设计方便,。 关键词:单片机;; Mine Gas Detection System Based on Single Chip Design ABSTRACT In recent years, with Chinas rapid economic development, coal consumption continued to grow, especially in recent years, coal prices rising, has put forward higher requirements for the coal production. However, in the actual production of coal, coal mine accidents continue to occur. The annual coal production in China killed nearly ten thousand people, therefore, we have to pay more attention to the safety of coal production. Mine reasons are varied, which caused by the gas accidents accounted for a considerable portion of. The design is based on the research of coal mine gas detection system based on AT89S52. This design uses AT89S52 microcontroller as the core, combined with peripheral component of methane sensor, A/D converter chip, LCD liquid crystal display etc.. Design of mine gas detection system display and concentration of recognition, on methane alarm threshold.It the gaseous component,the density and so on the related information transformed the electrical sinal,thus was allowed to carry on the examination,the monitoring,reports to the police;At present,the people to were mad the sensitive sensor the rest method mainly pauses is using the artificial manual way to operate,develops one kind of practical highly effective intellectualized sensor testing device is extremely essential.This design using Portal software circuit design, using Kiel software to programming, to achieve its function by using Proteus simulation. Experiments prove that this design not only convenient operation, but also better defense and decrease due to gas accidents. Key words: MCU; Sensor; Methane; Alarm 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1本设计所研究的背景及意义 1 1.2国内外的发展状况 1 1.3 本章小结 2 2 矿井瓦斯检测系统的方案设计 3 2.1 本设计的性能指标 3 2.2 转换芯片的选择 3 2.3 显示模块的选择 5 2.4 传感器的选择 7 2.5 总体结构设计 9 2.6 本章小结 9 3 硬件电路设计 11 3.1单片机最小系统设计 11 3.1.1 AT89S52



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