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16 3 V ol. 16No. 3 2006 9 JOU RNAL OF EM CC Sep. 2006 中小型水库及其流域水源保护对策研究 ) ) ) 以邱庄水库为例 1 2 3 2 张翠萍, 王 颖, 王月秋, 全玉莲 ( 1. 唐山市环境监测中心站, 河北 唐山 063000; 2. 中国环境管理干部学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066004; 3. 玉田县环保局, 河北 唐山 064100) : 水利实际 是除水害兴水利的一项环境生态改善工程, 邱庄水库是唐山市主要水源 地之一由于水库 游流域比较严重的水土流失以及生活污染源的影响, 对水库功能造成了 一定的隐患要统筹规划, 编制流域水资源综合规划, 处理好工业农业渔业的关系, 保护 水质 : 水源地; 水土流失; 综合治理; 对策; 邱庄水库 : X52 : A : 1008-813( 2006) 03-0058-04 Countermeasure Study on The Protecti on of Small - medium Reservior and The Water Resources in The River Basin ) ) ) An Axample of Qiuzhuang Reservior 1 2 3 2 ZH ANG Cui- ping , WA NG Ying , WA NG YUE- qiu , QUAN Y u- lian ( 1. Tangshan Env ironmental Monitoring Station, Tangshan H ebei 063000; 2. Environmental Management College of China, Qinhuang dao H ebei 066004; 3. Yutian Environmental Protection ureau, Tangshan H ebei 064 100) Abstract: Water conservation engineering actually can prevent the flood, realize w ater con- servancy, further more improve the environment and zoology. Qiuzhuang reservior is one of the main w ater sources in Tangshan city. A s the serious soil erosion and the life source of pollution influence on the upstream drainage area of the reservior, it w ould have a certain hide trouble to the reserviors function. So the countermeasures and suggestions are put for- w ard. We should deal w ith the relations well betw een the industry, agricultural and the fish- ery, furth


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