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天津体育学院学报 2012 年第27 卷第4 期 Journal of TUS Vol.27 No.4 2012 355~359 ● 研究报道 Short Comunications 优秀运动员心理韧性量表的编制 1 1 2 3 李 静 ,宋宏伟 ,刘晓海 ,刘 贺 摘要:根据心理韧性的过程模型,对27 名在训练或竞赛中经历过重大负性事件而又适应良好的优秀运动员进行访谈获得资料,编制优秀运动员 心理韧性量表。通过两轮测试,对测试数据进行项目分析、探索性因素和验证性因素分析。结果发现,优秀运动员心理韧性量表包括努力奋斗、坚 持忍耐、情绪控制、积极认知4 个因子,共25 个条目;量表的4 个因素模型拟合良好,信度、效度均达到心理测量学的要求,且能区分出运动员心 理韧性的差异特征,可以作为今后该领域研究的有效测量工具。 关键词: 运动心理学;心理韧性;优秀运动员 中图分类号: 文献标志码: 文章编号: G 804.87 A 1005- 0000 (2012)04- 355- 05 Development of Psychological Resilience Scale for Elite Athletes in China 1 1 2 3 LI Jing ,SONG Hongwei ,LIU Xiaohai ,LIU He (1.School of PE,Liaoning Normal University ,Dalian 116029,China;2.Dept. of PE,Dalian Medical University ,Dalian 116044,China;3. Dept. of PE,Dalian Maritime University ,Dalian 116026,China) Abstract: According to resilience process model ,27 elite athletes who had undergone major negative life events but were still mentally well-adjusted were interviewed and the purposes were to develop an instrument for the measurement of elite athletes resilience. After two times test ,these tested data had been made discriminate analysis of item ,exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that the scale included 25 items , classified into four factors :positive effort ,persist in endurance ,affect control ,and positive thinking. The four factors structure model had a rather good , content validity and construct validity confirmed the present scale met the standard requirements of psychological measurement ,and can distinguish differ- ences in athletes resilience characteristics and can be used in future research as effective measurement tools. Key words: sports psychology ;psychological resilience ;elite athlete



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