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分水江水库鱼类群落结构多样性研究 原居林,顾志明*,贾永义,杨元杰 (浙江省淡水水产研究所,浙江 湖州 313000) 摘要:2008年11月至2009年10月对分水江水库鱼类资源进行了调查, 共调查8船次,统计渔获物142.48kg,测量鱼类标本1304尾,经鉴定共发现鱼类36种,隶属5目8科31属,其中鲤形目26种,占总种类数的72.2%;鲈形目和鲶形目各4种,分别占总种类数的11.1%;鳗鲡目和合鳃目各1种,分别占总数的2.8%。群落优势度分析发现,优势种有5种,优势度变化范围为0.38~0.61。多样性指数分析表明,鱼类种群丰富度指数(D)值在1.14~5.42之间,Shannon-Wiener 多样度指数(H′)值在 0.69~2.60之间,种类均匀度指数(J′)值在0.31 ~1.21之间。鱼类群落的季节差异性较高,种类变化波动以夏季最大。 关键词:分水江水库;鱼类群落结构;多样性分析 中国分类号:S932.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号  Study on the Diversity of Fish Communities Structure in Fenshuijiang Reservoir YUAN Ju-lin, GU Zhi-ming*, JIA Yong-yi, YANG Yuan-jie (Zhejiang Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, Huzhou Zhejiang ,313001) Abstract:The fish resources investigation in Fenshuijiang reservoir was carried out from November 2008 to October 2009. 142.48kg fish capture was obtained by 8 sailings and 1304 fish specimen were measured. There were 36 species of fishes, which belonged to 5 orders 8 families 31genera. Cyprinidae was the largest order, which accounted for 72.2% of the total. Siluriformes and Perciformes accounted for 11.1% of the total identically. Anguilliformes and Synbranchiformes accounted for 2.8% of the total identically. It was indicated that there were 5 dominant fishes by analyzing the dominance of fish communities,and the dominance varied from 0.38 to 0.61.Three diversity indexes which were species richness index (D),Shannon-Wiener index (H′) and species evenness index(J′)were used to analyze the diversity characteristics of the fish communities. The value of D, H′ and J′ varied between 1.14~5.42, 0.69~2.60 and0.31~1.31 respectively. It was indicated that difference of fish communities in different seasons was high. The magnitude of changes was most obvious in summer. Key words: Fenshuijiang reservoir; fish communities structure; diversity analysis 分水江水库属钱塘江水系,位于浙江省桐庐县分水镇上游2.5公里的五里亭,属于丘陵型中(大)型水库。于2005年建成,2006年蓄水,主要功能以防洪为主,经营发电,兼顾灌溉、供水、水产养殖、旅游和改善水环境等。水库长度为9 km,最大宽度6 km,平均宽度2.5 km,最大水面22.6147 km2,正常水面13.7568 km2,可养水面9.6297


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