新概念三第12课 课堂笔记.ppt

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新概念三第12课 课堂笔记

Life on a desert island Han Jiajia New words and expressions desert?island 荒岛 desert n.沙漠 vt.背弃,遗弃=abandon dessert n.甜点 unrealistic adj.不真实的 realistic adj.真实的 paradise n.天堂,乐士 eg.A?lot?of?people?imagine?the?USA?as?their? paradise. heaven n.天堂, 天国 eg.go to heaven 死亡 wretched adj.可怜的,艰苦的 = miserable adj.痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜 eg.lead?a?wretched/miserable/terrible life starve v.挨饿 starve?to?death 饿死 eg.During the war, a large number of people starved to death. starvation n.饿死 eg.During the war, a large number of people died of starvation. opportunity n.机会 eg. golden?opportunity 绝好的机会 Don’t miss any golden opportunities. chance 表机会时可以与opportunity互换(后面+of doing, 或to do) eg.I had the chance of visiting Paris. = I had the opportunity of visiting Paris. He had no opportunity to see her. chance表可能性时(= possibility), 则不可opportunity互换。 eg. There?is?a?chance?that?I?will?see?him. 我有可能见到他。 The?chances?are?that?he?will?be?elected?the?president. 他有可能当选总统。 The chances are that he will pass his examination next week. coral n.珊瑚 coral reef n.珊瑚礁 Virgin?Islands 维尔京群岛 the South Pacific Islands 南太平洋群岛 Malaysia Islands 马来西亚群岛 Miami n.迈阿密(美国最南的城市) dinghy n.救生筏,小船 liner n.班船 Caribbean n.加勒比海 Caribbean pirate spear?gun 捕鱼枪 lobster n.龙虾 shrimp n.虾 crab n.螃蟹 太湖三白: white bait 银鱼 white fish 白鱼 white shrimp 白虾 genuinely adv.由衷地 eg.He?is?genuinely?thankful?to?me. 他由衷地地感谢我。 genuine adj.真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的 genuineness n.真诚,诚恳 Robinson?Crusoe 鲁滨孙.克鲁索(小说《鲁滨孙漂流记》主人公) Friday Most?of?us?have?formed?an?unrealistic?picture?of?life?on?a?desert?island. form?an?unrealistic?picture?of?sth 对…抱有不切实际的幻想 eg.A?large?number?of?people?have?formed?an?unrealistic?picture?of?the?job. form(v.形成, 构成)= develop(vt.逐渐形成) form a habit = develop a habit 养成一种习惯 We?sometimes?imagine?a


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