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◇根据蒙特利尔公约HCFC的规则日程 ◇什么是臭氧层破坏 ? ◇关于历来冷媒/新冷媒的分类·成分 CFC HCFC HFC ◇臭氧层破坏机制 ◇冷媒特性 ◇R410A 特性 热交换器性能 新冷媒的专用工具 ○扩口工具 ○加液管 ○压力表 ○真空泵 ○测漏仪 ○力矩扳手 ○安装须知 ◎加工配管 不可将灰尘、水等进入管路中 ◎排空气 使用真空泵 不可将内置冷媒排空气 ◎追加冷媒 只可加入液态冷媒 ○铜管 铜管厚度 ○喇叭口和螺母 ○维修须知 冷媒泄漏时 重新加液时须保证液态冷媒加入 更换冷冻部件 使用适用R410A的冷冻部件,因为他们经过压力和材料测试。 This table show you the characteristics of R407C , R410A and R22. Conventional refrigerant R22 is made of single component . R410A and R407C are blended refrigerant. R407Cs composition is 23% R32 ,25% R125 and 52% R134a, and R410As composition is 50% R32 and 50% R125. R407C is a zeotropic refrigerant. System performance is 5% less than R22 and the pressure is similar as R22. R410A is a near-azeotropic refrigerant. The system performance is 5% higher than R22. But it’s pressure is 1.6 times higher than R22. This is R410A’s characteristics Advantage is excellent at system performance. As result, it is possible to expect improve air-conditioner’s EER. And it is possible to design smaller unit size than R407C’s. The other advantage is lower pressure drop. As result, disadvantage is higher pressure than R22. R410Aの特性です。 長所はシステムCOPが優れることです。 これにより、EERの向上が期待できます。 また、R407Cよりも小型化が可能です。 もう一つは圧力損失が低いことです。 配管の径を細くできます。 短所は圧力が高いことです。 Next is R410A advantage in air-conditioners Compared with R22 and R407C,R410A has lower pressure drop and has high heat transfer coefficient. This makes the highest heat exchanger performance. This graph shows you the performance difference between the refrigerants in same heat exchanger. This is the comparison result of the heat exchange ability using 2.8kW air-conditioner indoor units heat exchanger considering R22 as 100. In cooling operation (as an evaporator), it goes up 15% compared with R22. On the other hand with R407C the performance goes 3% down compared with R22. 1.Flaring tools As flares of R410A models are one size larger, there are new flaring tools prepared. This flaring tool for R410A can be used for R22 and R407C, because flare for R410A can also b


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