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;Chapter 3 Vocabulary;(2) Articles are not allowed to be translated into Chinese ● The voltage between the base and the emitter is small. 基极与发射极之间的电压很小。 (3) an uncertainty (two choices) ● θ is a parameter. θ是(一个)参数。 ● The proof of the theorem is very complicated. 该定理的证明很复杂。(the first “the” is omitted in translation, and the second is translated.);2. Special positions of articles Generally, articles are put in the very front of the noun phrases, and the position is called the normal position. Now let’s see their special positions: definite article all both + the + noun half;● All the aircraft here were imported from abroad. 这里的飞机都是从国外进口的。 ● Both the instruments are good in quality. 这两台仪器的质量都很好。 ● Waste in production is only half the problem. 生产过程中的浪费只是问题的一半。;(2)indefinite article ★ such +a (an) + noun what +a (an) + noun ● In electrical engineering, such a large unit is seldom used. 在电气工程中,很少使用这么大的单位。 ● What an ambitious plan (it is) ! 这是一项多么宏伟的计划!;★ how so too +adj. + a (an) + single noun as …(as) ● This is so sensitive a device that it can measure the slight change in pressure. 这台仪器如此灵敏,它能测出压力的微弱变化。 ;● Aluminum (Bri: [?‘lju?m?n?m] ;US: [?’l?m?n?m] )is not as good a conductor as copper. 铝的导电率不如铜高。 ● This is too complicated a problem for us to go into. 这个问题过于复杂,我们无法探究。; Exercise 1 I. E-C translation 1. In such a case there is no current flowing in the circuit (电路). 2. Sensitivity (灵敏度) is a measure of how small a signal a receiver (接收机) can pick up and amplify (放大) to a level useful for communications. 3. Nonlinear distortion (非线性失真) can be caused by too large an input signal. 4. A series (级数) solution of this kind of problem allows as close a calculation of the error as needed. 5. Often the data cover too large a range of values to be plotted on ordinary graph paper(图表纸).;II. Numeral 1. The ways to express a fraction Pa


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