高角和低角病例的诊断、临床特征及正畸治疗特点 课件.ppt

高角和低角病例的诊断、临床特征及正畸治疗特点 课件.ppt

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高角和低角病例的诊断、临床特征及正畸治疗特点 课件

高角和低角病例的诊断、临床特征及正畸治疗特点 High angle and low angle cases, diagnosis, clinical features and orthodontic treatment;由于以往的诊断是以安氏分类为主, 正畸医生常常只注意到矢状向错牙合而忽略了垂直向不调。 近年来, 学者们逐渐认识到垂直面型在错畸形诊断和治疗中的重要性: 它不仅为颅面复合体的生长方向提供了线索, 而且直接影响治疗的成功与否。 ; 垂直向异常有高角和低角两种类型, 在Ⅲ类安氏错牙合中约有50%左右的患者存在不同程度的垂直向异常。 Vertical anomaly are of two types?of?high-angle and?low?angle,?about?50%of?patients with angle class III malocclusion have?varying degrees of abnormal?vertical dimension high-angle?and?low?angle cases,?diagnosis, clinical features,?and orthodontic treatment ;一、高角病例和低角病例的诊断和形成机制 High angle and low angle cases diagnosis and form;高角病例和低角病例的诊断和形成机制High angle and low angle cases diagnosis and form;目前常用的诊断标准是: The commonly used diagnostic criteria are:;高角病例或低角病例的形成主要与前后面部高度的生长发育失调有关。 high-angle?or?low?angle?cases?with?a high level of?growth and development before and after facial disorders 后面部高度生长不足( 升支短小、关节窝靠前靠上) 和/ 或前面部高度生长过度( 髁突向后生长、上颌骨垂直发育过度、后牙垂直萌出过度) 形成了高角型。Lack of posterior facial?growth ( ascending branch of?the?glenoid fossa small?) and/or?anterior facial height overgrowth(condylar backward growth, excessive eruption of the maxillary posterior teeth) is responsible for a high-angle case. 后面部高度生长过度( 升支较长、关节窝靠后靠下) 和/ 或前面部高度生长不足( 髁突向上向前生长、上颌骨垂直发育不足、后牙萌出不足) 形成了低角型。 posterior height?overgrowth (the ascending branch of?a?glenoid fossa?long)?and/or?in lack of posterior?facial growth?(upward and forward rotation of condyle,lack of eruption of maxillary posterior teeth) is resposible for low-angle case.;二、高角病例和低角病例的临床特征 The case of high-angle and low angle of the clinical features;*;侧面观Lateral view : 高角病例呈开张面型, 面下1/ 3 长,凹面型多见, 上唇较厚, ??部和颏唇沟均不明显, 头位略前伸; High angle cases, length of the lower 1/3 of the face is long, the concave type profile more common, thick upper lip, chin and chin lip groove are not prominent. 低角病例呈聚合面型, 面下1/ 3 段短, 凸面型多见, 上唇较薄,颏部和颏唇沟明显。 low-angle cases the lower 1/3 of the face generally shorter convex facial profile, thin upper lip, chin and


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