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润滑的基础知识 什么是最好的润滑效果? 润滑脂的概念 润滑脂的稠度 基油类型 基油粘度 增稠剂类型, 类似 ‘海绵 添加剂类型 润滑脂的选择及 正确的润滑方法 SKF可以提供的有关工具 选择润滑脂还是润滑油? 轴承润滑的应用参数 使用 LubeSelect 输入表格 兼容性图表 1 兼容性图表 2 合理性 / 产品的优化升级 污染 有脏物,磨损后的颗粒, 等.. 润滑脂硬化/老化 润滑脂中的基油被氧化或流失 当基油失去硬化的特性时 润滑脂软化 机械稳定性差 被水或者油所污染 二次润滑的间隔 影响润滑脂性能的因素(转速) 典型的润滑方法不当 手动二次润滑 手操作 使用黄油泵或黄油枪时 按照型录上所注明的方法强制执行: 正常操作条件下 高品质的锂基脂 以70°C为基准计算二次润滑的间隔: 每增加15°C (直到110 °C), 寿命减半 在较低温度下可能最多增加其一倍的寿命 二次润滑的型式 润滑对于轴承寿命的影响 密封轴承 : 不需二次润滑 最初的润滑脂选型很重要 手动的二次润滑 用手操作 黄油枪 / 黄油泵 不间断型的二次润滑 单点润滑器(SYSTEM 24)或中央润滑系统(如MultiPoint),根据实际的需要或是密封的目的. 最初的轴承润滑 对于开式轴承: - 100% 填充. 对于轴承座: - 当在轴承的两侧位置填充时,约填空间的40%. -当在轴承的外圈位置填充时,约填空间的20% 二次润滑所需的填充量的计算 当在轴承的两侧位置填充时 Gp = 0,005 D B 当通过轴承的内圈或外圈位置填充时 Gp = 0,002 D B SKF Reliability Maintenance Institute The relative motion between two surfaces and the adhesive forces create a film (pressure build up). The oil viscosity increase with pressure. It is why oil lubrication is possible. Grease release oil under pressure to feed the contact zone with lubricant. Film thickness depends on temperature, speed ,load and viscosity. The surfaces of the bearings must be very smooth to prevent any roughness from penetrating film. Any contamination must be avoided to prevent the film from penetration of this contamination. 1/ A combination of a petroleum product and a soap or a mixture of soaps suitable for certain types of lubrication. 2/ A solid to semi-solid product of thickening agent in liquid lubricant. 3/ Lubricating grease is what grease manufacturers make. No chemical bound between the grease an the oil. - Why consistency is a very important characteristic? - This is the main advantage of greases. They can stay inside the bearing and act as a reservoir. Greases are a non newtpnian fluid. It means they do not have a viscosity. They have only an apparent viscosity. - Degree of penetration of a falling cone. It sinks into the grease during 5 s, then we measure the penetration in 1/10 of mm. Different thickeners and base oils plus additives give a range of



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