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汉英思维差异 与汉英翻译 思考: 免费入场 entrance free 双杠 parallel bars 座钟 standing clock 挂钟 wall clock 太平门 emergency exit 九五折 5 percent discount 中国人重直觉 西方人重理性 形象思维: 火车 Train 橡皮奶头 baby’dummy;pacifier; comforter 长袜 knee socks 具体比喻抽象: 蚕食 to nibble; 势如破竹 with irresistible force; like splitting a bamboo; like a knife cutting through butter 如日中天 like the sun at high noon; at the apex of one’s power, career 手忙脚乱 in a frantic rush 顺水推舟 to push the boat along with current; to make use of opportunity to gain one’s end 失之交臂 just miss the person or opportunity 量词: 一枝笔 a pen; 一张报纸 a newspaper; 一朵花 a flower 中国人重直觉 西方人重理性 汉字象形性与英语的拼音性 人曾为僧,人弗可以成佛 女卑是婢,女又何妨成奴。 A buddhist cannot bud into a Buddha. A maiden may be made a house maid. 此木为柴山山出, 因火成烟夕夕多。 The wood is wooden and mounts the mountains; The flame is flamable when darkness darkens. 试译: “恋”是个很强悍的字。它的上半部取自“变态”的“变”,下半部取自“变态”的“态”。 ‘Love’ is a very awesome word, whose former part comes from ‘lust’ and the latter part from ‘slave’. 中国人重整体 西方人重个体 天人合一与个体意识 苏州大学校训:养天地正气,法古今完人 unto a full grown man (一元和二元;对偶) 天造地设 created by nature; ideal 天涯海角 the ends of the earth; the remotest corners of the earth 天旋地转 very dizzy; feel as if the sky and earth wer spinning round 缩头缩脑 be timid; 四通八达 extend in all directions 十拿九稳 practically certain 德高望重 be of noble character and high prestige 试译: 好好学习,天天向上。 Study hard to make steady progress. 今天我为母校骄傲,明天母校为我自豪 keep alive the good reputation of our Alma maters 汉语的笼统与英语的具体 车来了!(the car is coming?) bus; minibus; car; lorry; taxi. Platform truck (平台卡车);medium van (中型有盖卡车); light lorry(light truck, pickup truck轻型货车); motor coach (coach, bus; 长途客车),double-decker bus (双层公共汽车); two-door saloon car (Am. Two-door sedan; 二门轿车),small three-door car (小型三门轿车); estate car (shooting brake, estate, Am. station wagon; 实用车;客货两用旅行车) 胡子(beard) 大胡子(full beard, circular beard, round beard),小胡子(唇上方的胡子)(shadow)和 “络腮胡子”(whiskers);handlebars (Am. moustache) 是“八字胡”,goatee (goatee beard, chintuft) 表“山羊胡”,tile beard 表“瓦形胡”,militray


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