The idiom of black 关于颜色黑的习语英语版ppt教学教案.pptx

The idiom of black 关于颜色黑的习语英语版ppt教学教案.pptx

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The idiom of black 关于颜色黑的习语英语版ppt教学教案.pptx

The Idiom of BlackBlack Friday黑色星期五 Black sheep 害群之马 in the black 盈利 Put sth down in black and white.? Pot is calling the kettle black one.The Idiom of BlackThe history Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving in the US. It is the beginning of the traditional Holiday Shopping Season . Black Friday used to mean heavy traffic , but that day, it means the early opening and late closing of shops.The history On that day, many people would take the day off to go shopping , because many things are on sharp discount that day. In many cities, people line up hours before stores open. Electric appliances , clothes and toys are often the most popular items. BackBlack sheep English meaning : Black sheep? is an ?idiom? used to describe an odd or disreputable member of a group, especially within a?family. (声名狼藉的)害群之马,败家子 Eg:There is a black sheep in every flock. 败类处处有; 害群之马处处有BackIn the black English meaning:It means someoneis doing well in business/ businesses that are financially solvent.盈利 (有偿还能力的) eg:He moved the company into the black. 他让公司扭亏为盈。Antonym: in the red / in debtBackPut sth down in black and white. English meaning : written evidence 译为:白纸黑字,立下字据,书写为证 eg:we should put sth down in black and white if necessary 译为:在有必要的时候要立 下字据BackPot is calling the kettle black one.(壶)(壶) English meaning :You should not criticize someone for a fault that you have too 译为:.五十步笑百步,乌鸦说猪黑BackThank you for listening


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