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外文文献翻译 原文及译文 标题:HARMONIOUS COMMUNITY 作者:Gelareh Jokar 期刊:San Diego State University 年份:2013 字数:译文4500多字 原文 HARMONIOUS COMMUNITY Gelareh Jokar INTRODUCTION One of the major concerns of people nowadays is the current state of the Earth, such as global warming, waste of resources, pollution, over population and many other environmental threats. Between 1960 and 2012, the world population rose from 3 billion to billion. By the year 2050, there will be many more people living on our planet. Estimates range anywhere from fifteen to thirty-six billion people (see Figure 1). These people need food, water, energy and a place to live. The ways in which we are providing these necessities to the people of this planet are working against a healthy environment and moving towards demolishing our planet. In order to prevent our world from experiencing further harm, the human population must work together to organize a system beneficial to our growing needs: a system that can help people care more about environmental issues and create harmony between humans and nature. Harmony is rich in connotation and full of profound philosophy of great wisdom. It is a fusion of diversity and balance. Harmony refers to people living in sync within society, feeling secure, safe and happy without exploitation of one another. In addition, harmony connects people with their surrounding environment. We should understand we are not separated from nature; people are nature and dependent upon it. This paper will introduce the sustainability movement and explain how that can reduce negative environmental effects by creating balance between human needs and natural habitats. Accessibility is another major concern in today’s design world. For millions of people with disabilities, the access that most of us take for granted is difficult, impossible, or achievable only with the intervention of a third party. According to the U.S. Census Bureau approximately 56.7 million people living in the United S


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