lesson 3 groundless beliefs 教学课件.ppt

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The struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and 17th-century Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo has become symbolic of the clash between authority and intellectual freedom. Galileo refused to obey orders from Rome to cease discussions of his theories and was sentenced to life imprisonment. It was not until 1992 that a papal commission acknowledged that the church was wrong. Galileo (1564-1642) In 1633, the Inquisition found Galileo guilty, forced him to recant (publicly withdraw his statement), and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Because of Galileos advanced age and poor health, the church allowed him to serve his imprisonment under house arrest in a villa outside Florence. There, he passed the remainder of his years in relative isolation, eventually becoming blind. But he managed to complete his second scientific masterpiece, the Discourse on Two New Sciences. He died on Jan. 8, 1642. In 1979, Pope John Paul II declared that the Roman Catholic Church may have been mistaken in condemning Galileo. He instructed a church commission to study Galileos case. In 1983, the commission concluded that Galileo should not have been condemned. In 1984, at the commissions recommendation, the church published all documents related to Galileos trial. In 1992, Pope John Paul II publicly endorsed the commissions finding that the church had made a mistake in condemning Galileo Paragraph 10: Many modern persons find it very difficult to credit the fact that men can ever have supposed otherwise. Yet—they did. credit the fact: believe the fact otherwise: differently Paraphrase: Many modern people are hard to believe that for some time men had ever thought they were thinking with their hearts. Yet it is true that the ancient people really thought in that way. Paragraph 12: An assumed or dogmatic proposition which had been universally accepted as “obvious”; and which, when challenged, was supported by reference to a dogma of Aristotle. Until Galileo actually de



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