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Unit 6 What’s the matter? Conversation 1 Girl 1: What’s the matter? Girl 2: I have a fever. Girl 1: Yes, you don’t look well. You should drink lots of water. Girl 2: Yes, you’re right. Conversation 2 Girl 1: What’s the matter? Girl 2: I have a sore throat. Girl 1: You should drink some hot tea with honey. Girl 2: That sounds like a good idea. Conversation 3 Girl: What’s the matter? Boy: I have a stomachache. Girl: That’s too bad. You should lie down and rest. And don’t eat anything for two hours. Boy: I guess I should. Conversation 4 Girl: What’s the matter? Boy: I have a toothache. Girl: You should see a dentist. Boy: I guess I should. Explanation 1.Whats the matter?   你哪里不舒服?(你怎么了?) matter n.问题,麻烦,事件,通常与介词“with”连用。 Whats the matter with him? 他怎么了? 这个句型可以与下面这两个句子互换:   Whats wrong with him?   Whats the trouble with him? wrong是形容词, 前面没有“the”; matter和trouble都是名词, 前面应有“the”, trouble前还可以用形容词性的物主代词。 What’s your trouble, young man?  年轻人, 你怎么了? 2. I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。 (1)have vt. 患(得)病,(不用于 进行时态) He had a bad cold last week. 他上周患了重感冒。 She often has a stomachache. 她常胃(肚子)疼。 一般情况下用have+a+n. 表示患了某种疾病。 (2)sore“痛,疼”,通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼,在表示身体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前,eg:sorethoat/leg/foot/eye/back; ache常指持续性的疼痛,它常与身体部位的名词构成复合词,eg:headache头痛,backache疼,toothache / earache / stomachache 等。 3. You should drink some hot water. 你应该喝点热水。   should情态动词“应该”,shouldn’t “不应该”, 其后接动词原形, 没有人称和数的变化, 用于提出建议。 You should be more careful next time.  你下次应更加小心。 She shouldn’t go to the party.  她不应该去参加晚会。 ※用来表示建议还可能用以下句型: Let’s go to play soccer.  我们去踢足球吧。 Why not go home together?  为什么不一起回家呢?(一起回家 吧。) How /What about watching TV?  看电视好吗? 4. Im not feeling well.=I dont feel well. 我觉得不舒服。 feel v. (自己) 感觉到……,(心情)觉 得……,+形容词 I feel hungry/sick. 我觉得饿 (不舒服)。 The g


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