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Act the account is deactivated. Interact Interactive TV shows Telecommunication Privacy Act Modern agronomy is a combination of science and business. Astronomy Agritechonology The law will undoubtedly pass the agri-friendly Congress. User-friendly Eco-friendly Environmentally friendly Professional Japanese Animation = cartoon An animated/lively/heated discussion The proposal was passed unanimously after a consensus was reached. Uni+anim con+sense Percent Cent century In 1976, the US celebrated its bicentennial. Per annum = per year Anniversary Mono+ arch Monopoly People believe that astrological signs are related to one’s personality and fortune. It is reported that a comet or an asteroid may hit the earth in the next 100 years, causing massive extinction of species. Disaster, catastrophe Asterisk Visible Auditorium Audio-visual=audio-video Audioclip, audiofile Videoclip, videofile Virtual, barter, Excessive use of headphones or earplugs may cause permanent damage to auditory function, especially for youngsters. Many countries are using grains like corn or wheat to produce biomass fuels such as ethanol, thereby pushing up food prices globally. Biography , autobiography Biodiversity diverse Plastics is a non-biodegradable material. Microbiologists study organisms such as viruses, bacteria and germs. Brief Abbreviations can sometimes cause misunderstanding. US, IT, Despite brevity of his life, his accomplishment has been remarkable. Ceed, cess Under Jobs’ leadership, Apple was able to score an unprecedented success. Exceed, excess, excessive China will exceed/surpass/overtake US in GDP in 2 decades. Proceed=go on, process, procedure The candidate conceded defeat in the election. Concession and compromise are necessary for a rewarding marriage. Tide has eventually receded. Economic recession Pedestrian street Centipedes are very sensitive to environmental conditions, and therefore scientists often put th


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