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Contents Classification of Hypoxia(缺氧) Level of Hypoxia Indication of Oxygen Therapy Sources of Oxygen Methods of Oxygen Delivery Implementation of Oxygen Therapy Complications of Oxygen Therapy Objectives State indications of oxygen therapy Expatiate on precautions of oxygen therapy State different sources of oxygen and methods of oxygen delivery Demonstrate the procedure of administering oxygen therapy by nasal tube correctly State complications of oxygen therapy and expatiate how to prevent Oxygen Cylinder System Oxygen cylinder(氧气筒) Content: 6000L Pressure: 150kg/cm2 Oxygen regulator(氧气表) Pressure gauge(压力表) Reductor (减压器) Flowmeter (流量表) Humidifier (湿化瓶) Safe valve (安全阀) Nasal Catheter Oxygen Tent 给氧注意事项 严格遵守操作规程,注意用氧安全,做好 “四防” : 防震、防火、防热、防油 氧气筒内O2不可用尽,压力表上指针降至 5Kg/c㎡时不可再用 未用或已用尽的氧气筒应分别悬挂“空”或 “满”的标志 and does not interfere with the client’s ability to eat or talk Implement oxygen therapy Using an oxygen cylinder Inserting a nasal catheter Implement oxygen therapy Assessment Level of Hypoxia (nail bed, lips) Nasal disease Explanation Purpose and methods Check oxygen supply devices Inserting a nasal tube Preparation: Oxygen supply source: cylinder Equipment Kidney basin Nasal tube Therapeutic bowl with distilled water Swab(棉签) Adhesive tape (胶带) Record card(记录单) Equipment Using a nasal tube Procedure: Check physician’s orders for oxygen prescription Gather equipment, bring to room Identify correct client Examine nostrils, select the more patent nostril for insertion,clean it. Turn on oxygen flow to liters prescribed Connect nasal tube to rubber tubing Check if nasal tube is patency ,and lubricate it Disconnect nasal tube from rubber tubing Using a nasal tube Procedure: Measure length for insertion Insert tube gently through nostril to nasopharynx Tape tube securely to nose and cheek Connect nasal tube to rubber tubing Secure rubber tubing


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