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中考单项选择专项练习 ( )1. I’m sure that their team will ______ ours. A. fail B. beat C. hit D. fight ( )2. –-______will you do with the library book? ---I’m not sure. A. When B. How C. What D. Why ( )3. ---Are you interested in art or music? ---______, but I prefer computer. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None ( )4.---The light in the office is still on. ---Oh, I forgot ______. A. to turn it off B. to turn it down C. turning it on D. turning it off ( )5.Take a long breath, ______you can’t dive for no more than a minute. A. and B. but C. or D. then ( )6.–I won’t come to the party unless Sue ,too. --You mean if Sue comes you’ll come? A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited ( )7.There is no difference between the two words. I really don’t know _____. A.what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose which D. to choose what ( )8.My home isn’t far from school. It’s only ______walk. A. half an hour B. half an hour’s C. half an hours’ D. one hour and a half ( )9.---I want to buy a notebook. Could you show me _____? ---Yes, this is the most popular kind. A. it B. them C. one D. ones ( )10. ---Are you pleased with what he has done? ---Of course. It couldn’t be ______. worse B. better C. bad D. well ( )11.---Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? ---Yes, he had never praised him _____he became one of the top students in his grade. A. after B. when C. unless D. until ( )12.Li Yuchun is _____ girl that most of the students are her fans. so a popular B. such popular C. such a popular D. so popular ( )13.. ---______enjoyable it is to travel by air! ---______. How, So is it B. How, So it is C. What, So is it D. What, So it is ( )14.---I don’t think the movie is well-made. ---No, it’s the ______movie I’ve ever seen. same B. worst C. best D. different ( )15. _Oh, hi, Judy/._Hi, Jason. Come in. Make at home. yourself B. us C. yo


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