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全新版大学英语第一册UNIT1 Unit 1 Growing Up 4. Summary Russell baker is very good at selecting details to prove his point. He creates an unfavorable image of Mr. Fleage by describing his formal rigid and hopelessly out-of-date eyeglasses, hairstyle, clothes, jaw, nose and manner of speaking. 5. Exercises 6. Paragraph writing 全新版大学英语综合教程第一册02 Unit 2 Friendship V. Exercises 全新版大学英语综合教程第一册03 Unit 3 Understanding Science 全新版大学英语第一册UNIT4 Unit 4 American Dream 全新版大学英语第一册UNIT5 Unit 5 Romance 全新版大学英语第二册UNIT6 Unit 6 Animal Intelligence 全新版大学英语第一册UNIT7 Unit 7 Emergency 全新版大学英语第一册UNIT8 Unit 8 Coping with an Educational Problem take a chance (on sth.) attempt to do sth. in spite of the possibility of failure; take a risk 碰运气;冒险 disgust vt. cause a strong and often sick feeling of dislike 使厌恶,使反感 schedule vt. arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at a particular time 安排;排定 n. 工作日程表,进度表 lapel n. (西服上衣的)翻领 sustain vt. support emotionally; keep (an effort, etc.) going, maintain 支持;使(努力等)持续下去,保持 slim a. slender; small 苗条的;细小的,微小的 blonde a., n. (woman) having fair or yellow hair 金发的(女郎) curl n. 鬈发 delicate a. fine, well-formed; soft, tender 精美的;柔软的,娇嫩的 chin n. 下巴,颏 provocative▲ a. 挑逗的;挑衅的 curve v. (使)弯曲 go sb.s way go in sb.s direction 朝某人走去 sailor n. 水手,海员;航海者 murmur▲ v. 轻声说,咕哝 gray v. (使)变成灰色 tuck▲ vt. 把…塞进(某处) more than a little very 很,非常 overweight a. too fat or heavy 过胖的,超重的 ankle n. 踝;踝节部 thrust v. 挤入;插入;猛推 heel n. (鞋、袜等的)后跟;脚后跟,踵 split v. (cause to) break into two or more parts 裂开;破裂 keen a. (of interest, feelings, etc.) strong; deep 强烈的;热切的 longing n. earnest desire 渴望 companion vt. spend time or go somewhere with (sb.) 陪伴 uphold▲ vt. support 支持,维护 sensible a. showing or having good sense 通情达理的,理智的 glow n. a warm light 光亮,光辉 hesitate vi. pause before doing sth. or making a decision 踌躇,犹豫 grip v. take a very tight hold (of) 握紧,紧握 leather n. (动物的)皮,皮革


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