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美国人的姓名是以名·名·姓为序排列组成的。第一名又称教名,是受法律承认的正式名字。/search?word=中间名fr=qb_search_expie=utf8中间名通常用缩写表示,由钟爱孩子的父母或其亲戚所取,他们甚至把自己的名字直接取给孩子。/search?word=中间名fr=qb_search_expie=utf8中间名代表本人同亲属之间的关系,外人一般不称呼/search?word=中间名fr=qb_search_expie=utf8中间名,也不得究其详,甚至法院也不承认中间名是法定姓名的一部分。姓氏是由家族世代相传的。/search?word=美国法律fr=qb_search_expie=utf8美国法律规定,妇女婚后要使用丈夫的姓,即使离婚,也应予保留,非经法律判决,不可恢复未婚时的姓。 在欧洲,姓氏比名字的出现要晚得多。公元11世纪后,欧洲人才开始逐步使用姓氏。直到16世纪/search?word=文艺复兴fr=qb_search_expie=utf8文艺复兴,/search?word=基督教会fr=qb_search_expie=utf8基督教会要求对姓氏进行登记,姓氏才得到普遍使用。七年级练习册答案Answer keyUnit 1VocabularyA. 1. smart 2. misses 3. laugh 4. remained 5. strict 6. supportB. 1. hard-working 2. goes to work3. all day and all night 4. gives up 5. person 6. probablyGrammarA1. 1. I have a goldfish. The goldfish is called Rosemary. 2. The Moon moves around the Earth, and they are both smaller than the Sun. 3. We are staying in a hotel. The hotel is on Green Street. 4. There is a window in our classroom. I sit near the window. 5. We cant see the Sun in the sky at night, but we can see the Moon. 6. We have an English grammar exercise for homework. Its an easy exercise.A2.1. a 2. the 3. The 4. A 5. the 6. aB.1. the2. / 3. the 4. /C. 1. The man in the doorway of the store is watching the woman take pictures. 2. The woman with a camera is taking pictures. 3. The boy beside the car is riding a bike. 4. The girl in front of johns Store is smiling and talking with her father.D. Alice: There was a good concert at City Hall last night. A pianist from Germany played the piano. He is among the top pianists in the world.Dave: I was there too! I had an excellent seat in one of the front rows. Alice: Really? Im sure you had a fantastic view. Dave: Yes, the view was great. But, actually, I nearly missed the concert. I took a/the bus, and it was very slow! It took me nearly one hour to get there. Alice: I took the underground. It was really fast! Hey, do you want to go to the cinema near City Hall with me this weekend? Theres a new film at Star Cinema. The



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