《Module 1 Basketball 课件》高中英语外研社版选修759641.ppt

《Module 1 Basketball 课件》高中英语外研社版选修759641.ppt

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《Module 1 Basketball 课件》高中英语外研社版选修759641

Read P9 and fill in the blanks The Houston Rockets ___________ (主教练) is disappointed with Yao Ming because Yao Ming isn’t too _________ (有侵略性). Yao Ming _______________ (抚养长大) and trained in China. Therefore, it isn’t __________ (属于他的本性) to be selfish and rude. Upon arrival in America, Yao became ___________ (立刻成名) among basketball fans _________ (全国范围). The head coach required ______________ (这个强大的巨人)to be rude to his teammates in order to _________ (控制) the game __________ (如果必要的话). It was a long time before Yao _________________________ (习惯于粗鲁一点点)or impolite. head coach aggressive was brought up in his nature an instant hit nationwide the powerful giant dominate if necessary got used to being a little rude Imagine that the passage about Yao Ming appeared in a Chinese newspaper in English. Write a reply. Begin like this: Dear Editor, Refer to the article you have read: I am writing in reply to the article about Yao Ming ... Say what you like about the article: I like the fact that the article draws attention to ... Explain what you want to say: I would like to say something about ... Say what you think about the Chinese attitude to sport: In my opinion, the reason why ... is that ... I believe that Chinese sportsmen and women ... End the letter like this: Yours sincerely, Dear Editor, I am writing in reply to the article about Yao Ming which appeared in your newspaper yesterday. I like the fact that the article draws attention to that China is producing world class sportsmen and women like Yao Ming. However, I would like to say something about Yao Mings attitude. In my opinion, the reason why he is so nice is because that is what the situation was like when he played in China. In the Shanghai Sharks, the whole team played for him and he never had to ask for the ball—he dominated every game. I believe that Chinese sportsmen and women are as good—and often better—than


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