《Lesson 3 Wonders of  the World课件》初中英语新世纪版八年级上册课件11513.ppt

《Lesson 3 Wonders of  the World课件》初中英语新世纪版八年级上册课件11513.ppt

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《Lesson 3 Wonders of  the World课件》初中英语新世纪版八年级上册课件11513

Wonders of the World 埃及金字塔 The Pyramids of Egypt 巴比伦空中花园 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 万里长城 The Great Wall Empire State Building 204,385平方米, 381米(before) 443.5米(now) 330,000吨,410天 What’s the area of it ? How high is it? How heavy is it? How much does it weigh? How long did it take the workers to complete it? a. What continent is it? b. Where is Africa? c. Egypt is in Africa, isn’t it? Egypt Egyptians d. What is it famous for? The pyramids. e. The Great Pyramid is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, isn’t it? f. Where are the pyramids? Near the Nile River. Who decided to build the pyramids? The kings of Egypt. What is in the pyramids? The bodies of the kings and queens. Why did they build the pyramids? They wanted to protect their bodies after their death. When did the Egyptians build the pyramids? Nearly 5000 years ago. How many pyramids are there near the Nile River? More than 90. What is the largest and most famous among them? The Great Pyramid. Comprehension Check (fill in the form) Where are the pyramids? How big is the Great Pyramid? It covers an area of 53000 square metres. How long is each side of the base? How high is it? Are the Pyramids made up of bricks or stones? How heavy are the stones? Most stones weigh about 2.5 tons each. Who built the pyramids? The ancient Egyptians. How long did it take them to complete the Great Pyramid? Describing objects: Ex1 How big is it? How high it?


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