《Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open课件》初中英语冀教版八年级下册39946.ppt

《Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open课件》初中英语冀教版八年级下册39946.ppt

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《Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open课件》初中英语冀教版八年级下册39946

No Photos! Do not feed the animals! Listening aims dangerous adj. 危险的 danger n. 危险 bamboo n. 竹子 giraffe n. 长颈鹿 Have you ever been to the zoo? What animals can people usually see in the zoo? What animals do you think are dangerous? Why? What rules should we obey at the zoo? 1. What signs do they see in the zoo? 2. What did they see at the zoo? 3. Do you remember any other signs you have seen or read before? Listen and answer the questions. Danger! Do not feed the animals! No photos! A sign, a bear, the pandas, giraffes. Listen and tick the correct answers. 1. What day is today? Saturday. Sunday. 2. Where do they go? The zoo. The park. 3. What time is it when they arrive? 11:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4. What do they see at the entrance? A photo. A sign. 5. What animals do they see? A bear and a panda. A bear and some giraffes. Listen to the tape and answer some questions Work in groups and find out the main points, then them to the class 小组合作,分段朗读课文. 找出并总结知识要点并造句 1. They go through the entrance… 他们穿过入口…… through prep. 穿过 across和through都有“穿过”的意思。 across是指“从表面通过”, 其含义与on有关;through指 “从里面(中心)穿过”,其含义与in有关,尤其指森林/人群等。 nearly adv. 几乎,差不多 1) 和almost可互换使用,但almost所表示的接近程度大于nearly。 e.g. She slipped and nearly/ almost fell. 她滑了一下,几乎摔倒。 It’s nearly/ almost 12 o’clock. 快十二点了。 2. It’s nearly noon. 快中午了。 2) almost后面可以加no,none,nothing,never等否定词,而nearly不可以。 e.g. The speaker said almost nothing. 发言人几乎什么都没有说。 3. Wake up, Mr. Bear! wake up 醒来,叫醒,吵醒 wake, woke, waken e.g. The noise woke me up. 噪音把我吵醒了。 4. Maybe the pandas could eat some grass instead of bamboo. instead of 代替;是……而不是…… e.g. Shall we have fish instead of meat today? 今天我们不吃肉吃鱼好吗? Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrase


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